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Experimental Design.

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Presentation on theme: "Experimental Design."— Presentation transcript:

1 Experimental Design

2 Title The title should describe your experiment.
It should be catchy and it should make the audience want to read your paper.

3 Introduction The introduction provides the background research for the audience. This is where you summarize the information that you gathered at the beginning of your experiment, before you wrote the hypothesis.

4 Problem A one sentence description of what you are trying to solve through your experiment. The questions needs to be able to be solved, and it must be measureable!

5 hypothesis An educated guess based on research about how something works. Use if/then statements If ____ (I do this), then ____ (this will happen) Focus on one variable at a time.

6 Experimental Design The Control Variable(s): The things that will remain the same throughout the experiment. What stays the same. This allows for a fair test.

7 Experimental Design The Independent Variable: The variable that is changed by the scientist. What is tested in the experiment.

8 Experimental Design The Dependent Variable(s): The variable that is measured by the scientist. What is observed. The effect caused by the independent variable. The data

9 Materials A list of items used in the experiment.
They are listed in the order that they are used in the experiment.

10 Procedure A numbered set of detailed directions that describes what was done in the experiment. Anyone should be able to follow the procedure!

11 DATA Quantitative Observations: Tables, graphs, and charts.
Data with numbers. Qualitative Observations: Observations using the senses; touch, taste, smell, hearing, and sight.

12 analysis A summary of the data in words.
Describe the trends/patterns in the data, and how you have interpreted your data.

13 Conclusion A final summary of the important information from the experiment. Restate the problem Rewrite your hypothesis Accept or reject your hypothesis Provide evidence Actual data from the experiment Relationships or trends in the data Issues or problems with the investigation Concluding sentence with transition word, rephrased problem, and explain why the experiment was important.

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