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Heart Rhythm Management Case Study Submission & Template

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1 Heart Rhythm Management Case Study Submission & Template

2 Please submit the following for your case study submission:
Case Overview/Summary (Describe how patient presented/symptoms, how they were diagnosed/managed, and result of the case) Example: A 55 year old male with an EF of 70% was implanted with a Protecta XT VR. The device was programmed at nominal settings at implant. A routine CareLink check conducted 2 weeks post implant showed some abnormal findings. The patient was brought into the clinic for device interrogation. Upon interrogation it was determined the patient was experiencing T-wave oversensing. Even though the device was correctly withholding therapy, the physician decided to reprogram the sensing vector and increase both VF and VT initial NID. 2. Applicable Patient History (Comorbidities, cardiac history, meds, demographics, device info) Example: NYHA Class III, EF of 30%, Implanted with a bi-ventricular ICD, InSync Sentry, for primary prevention. 3. Pertinent Supporting Documents (*These files can be ed separately) Example: Device interrogation print-outs or PDF files Saved interrogations (save to disk or PDFs) X-Rays 12 Lead or Surface ECG CareLink Transmission screen shots, PDF or printout Paceart report Other Diagnostics (blood pressure, Echo results, Holter report) 4. Submit questions regarding your case study.

3 X-Rays Insert text/ picture here - example

4 Programming Insert text/ picture here - example

5 Title of your case study here
Diagnostics Insert text/ picture here - example

6 2. Interval plot

7 Programmer Insert text/ picture here - example

8 Intracardiac tracings
Insert text/ picture here - example

9 Title of your case study here
Summary This case demonstrates …………………………… PLEASE submit your questions

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