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Keeping everyone Safe and Happy at Roverway 2018

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1 Keeping everyone Safe and Happy at Roverway 2018

2 Housekeeping 1 Look after your kit and equipment
Have good routines, your tent is your home Bring home comforts that travel well Remember personal hygiene Don’t forget your personal first aid kit Have enough sleep, no burning candles! Kit and equipment Get used to packing your kit so that you can find anything you need without turning out the whole of your bag. I use laundry nets and roll my clothing. Get a lot more in and items come out with less creasing. Routines Work out how you and your tent buddy (if you have one) look after the tent as it is your home for a number of weeks. Check pitching and guys regularly. Have a rubbish bag and a plan to empty it regularly. Home comforts Bring things that you use at home that travel well. Remember you might not have power so travel hair dryers and straighteners might not be the thing to pack. Work out what you will use for a pillow and think about roll mats or other sleeping mat options. Being comfortable is so important. Personal hygiene and washing clothes Bring a line, pegs and travel wash. Use lightweight microfibre towels, bring more than 1 so you can wash one and use one. Remember your impact on others. Personal first aid kit Start now and find a small bag and work out what you will take with you as a DIY kit. Remember to always report to your PL or designated patrol first aider if you have medicated. Sleep So important that you pace yourself. Definitely benefit from a few early nights so don’t burn the candle both ends and remember your path might have early starts!

3 Housekeeping 2 DBS disclosure certificates
The Green Card – Drug/Alcohol Policy The Yellow Card The Orange Card The Purple Card DBS disclosure certificates The age range for Roverway is fairly unique for UK Scouting, the DBS process is a little more complicated than usual. Most participants do not need a DBS role. However, the Patrol Leader and Assistant Patrol Leader will both require a DBS if there is anyone under 18 in their patrol, as their role will involve some responsibility for these young people. The Green card - Drug/Alcohol Policy Everyone has to stay within our policy here: Even when abroad, UK law applies to Scouts – so just because marijuana is tolerated in the Netherlands, it’s illegal in the UK so we treat it as such. Roverway itself is drug and alcohol free for both participants and IST both at the pre-event and the event. Our response would depend on each situation. But we can say we’ll have a zero tolerance policy on anyone consuming drugs or alcohol whilst under our supervision and failure to adhere to this may result in being sent home.

4 Incident Management and InTouch
Avoiding incidents What to do if… InTouch whilst you are at Roverway Avoiding incidents Anything that you are doing, think it through and don’t take unnecessary risks, getting hurt at Roverway when you could have avoided it with a little thought is a key message. What to do if… On a Path Participant – PL - Path Leader – Path Coordinator – International Relations Team – HoC Or Participant – PL - HoC – IR Team – Path Coordinator – Path Leader On site Participant – PL – Planning Team Member – Head of Team – IR team – HoC Participant – PL – HoC – IR team – Head of Team – Planning Team member InTouch Contact with your next of kin will be through a member of TSA HQ staff who will be identified before we go If parents need to contact you, they can do this through the InTouch arrangements. Don’t think that mobile phones are banned but service might not be good at all times so use the facilities that are available If there is an incident let more difficult calls be made by the Incident team who will have a fuller picture of what has happened and what next steps will be.

5 Mental Wellbeing Look after each other
Find a buddy and share how you are doing If you are not feeling well, don’t hide it New friendship/relationship – ask for advice Look after each other To get the best out of the experience find a buddy and share how things are, the good and the bad. If you are not feeling well, tell your buddy and make sure your PL and APLs know and they will organise support if you need it. You might just be tired and need a quiet time to re-charge your batteries, nothing more serious than that. If you make a new friendship or have a relationship and are not sure about it, please ask for advice.

6 Any Questions ?

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