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11T Dipole for the LHC Collimation upgrade

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Presentation on theme: "11T Dipole for the LHC Collimation upgrade"— Presentation transcript:

1 11T Dipole for the LHC Collimation upgrade
A Case Study Chris Segal Agnieszka Priebe Giovanni Terenziani Herve Dzitko Michele Bertucci 05/02/13

2 Wire Parameters and Cabling
Cu stabilizer matrix with Cu/non-Cu ratio of 1.5 Strand diameter of 0.8 mm with filament diameter of 25 um 1.42mm 15.8 mm Strand Diameter = 0.8 mm strand diameter 0.8 mm Cu/SC ratio 1.5 Pitch Angle 16.03 deg Cable Width 15.8 Cable Thickness 1.42 Insulation Thickness 0.15 Filling Factor K 0.33

3 Superconducting area (SC)
copper area (Cu) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1.5 : 1.0

4 Load Line and Short Sample Conditions
Jsc_ss 2,050 A/mm2 Jo_ss 677 Iss 17,838 A Bpeak_ss 14.37 T Jsc_op 1640 A/mm2 Iop 14,300 A Jo_op 541 A/mm^2 B_peak_op 11.5 T 2050 1640 Bpeak_op = 11.5 T Bpeak_ss = T  100% field in the coil

5 Coil Layout The angles needed to cancel B3 and B5 are (48°,60°,72°) or (36°,44°,64°) There is a system of two equations, but with three unknowns, there is a degree of freedom allowing for a set of solutions rather than only one Either layout removes the sextuple and decapole contribution Inner layer needs more wedges since its closer to aperture α2 α3 α1

6 EM Forces, stress Fx = MN/m Fy = MN/m σ = -265 MPa

7 Dimension iron yoke, collar, shrinking cylinder
iron yolk dimensions 172.43 mm shrinking cylinder (support reaches 90% Iss) 6.32 collar 40 Dipole Section

8 Limitation in Magnetic support structure design
Iron can’t take more than 2T (Bsat) Thickness of iron yoke = 21cm Magnetic pressure on iron yoke

9 Compare Short sample, operational conditions, and margins with NbTi
“Every [superconductor] is a [great superconductor]. But if you judge [NbTi] by its ability to [upgrade the LHC for high luminosity], it will live its whole life believing that it is [a poor superconductor].” -Einstein “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” 11T (NbTi saturation)

10 Cos(θ) vs Block Block cable is not keystoned, perpendicular to the mid plane Additional internal structure needed Ratio central field/current density is 12% lower  less effective than cosθ Bss is around 5% lower than by cosθ J ~ Cos(θ) Self supporting structure Circular opening, compact coil Easy winding, has long history of use

11 High Pre-Stress vs Low Pre-Stress
Stable plateau but small degradation Less damage for the Sc parts. Optimal training Unloading but still good quench performance

12 Support Structure Collar-based vs Shell-based
Low field: shrinking outer shell High field: collars + outer shell Very high field: bladders, intermediate coil supports. If a magnet training does not improve from 4.2 to 1.9K, there is a mechanical limitation.

13 Support Structure: Collar-based vs Shell-based
Coil Axial rod Shell Bladder Key Yoke Pad Filler Advantages: Can deliver very high pre-stress Large pre-stress increase at cool-down Easily adjustable R&D issues: Coil alignment accuracy Length scale-up Advantages: Proven coil positioning Proven length scale-up R&D issues: Deliver required pre-stress Max. stress at assembly

14 Courtesy of Peter Lee, Florida State University

15 Courtesy of Peter Lee, Florida State University

16 Thanks for listening! References
CERN Accelerator School on Superconductivity lectures (2013): Ezio Todesco, "Magnetic Design of SC Magnets" Pierluigi Bruzzone, "Superconducting Cables" Fernando Toral, "Mechanical Design of SC Magnets" Thanks for listening!

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