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Constructed Response using R-A-C-E-S

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Presentation on theme: "Constructed Response using R-A-C-E-S"— Presentation transcript:

1 Constructed Response using R-A-C-E-S

2 Constructed Response R - restate the question
A - answer the question (sometimes the restating and answering are one sentence) C – cite relevant text evidence supporting your answer E - explain & elaborate on your text evidence (How? Why? does your evidence support your answer) S – summarize – bring it ALL together. How does the text and your interpretation best answer the question

3 Moonrise by Jenette Purcell
City night sky gives itself to me again when I have so little left to receive it. I am dark, crumbling and you are rivers and trees away searching your own night sky for a sign. The strong gates of your heart are wide open to me always, but, if only. So I wait, as seasons before, decades before, fathers and mothers before me still inside watch and listen. Suddenly, bamboo, bones, fiber, fences, water, glistening koi,* all the tiny rooms, paths and places I hold your memories relax in audible, reverent wonder at the fullness forming on this horizon’s edge. *koi: colorful fish that symbolize love and friendship

4 Constructed response question
In Moonrise, identify a theme and explain how the theme is developed throughout the poem. Use evidence to support your response.

5 R - Restate A - Answer First sentence ~ Restate & Answer the question making sure to specifically identify any of the literary terms the question asks for, your thesis. Question In Moonrise, identify a theme and explain how the theme is developed throughout the poem. Answer In Moonrise, the theme “love is complicated” develops through the changing mood. Restate Answer

6 C – Cite Text Evidence Use specific details and examples from the text to support your sentence 1. Question In Moonrise, identify a theme and explain how the theme is developed throughout the poem. Answer: When the speaker says, “…you are rivers and trees away…” she implies that separation has complicated their relationship, creating a mournful mood. Cite text evidence

7 Analyze, elaborate or connect the text to sentence 1…DO NOT SUMMARIZE!
E – Elaborate on Text Evidence Analyze, elaborate or connect the text to sentence 1…DO NOT SUMMARIZE! Question In Moonrise, identify a theme and explain how the theme is developed throughout the poem. Answer There is a shift in the mood when the speaker says, “Suddenly…” and is followed by a “reverent wonder”. Elaborate / explain

8 Closing statement, inference, or significance.
S = Summarize / Close on Text Evidence Closing statement, inference, or significance. Question In Moonrise, identify a theme and explain how the theme is developed throughout the poem. Answer The dual mood shows how love can have its ups and downs and is complicated. Summarize / conclude

9 Final answer In Moonrise, the theme love is complicated develops through the changing mood. When the speaker says, “…you are rivers and trees away…” she implies that separation has complicated their relationship creating a mournful mood. There is a shift in the mood when the speaker says, “Suddenly…” and is followed by a “reverent wonder”. The dual mood shows how love can have its ups and downs and is complicated.

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