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Analysis of Statewide Developmental Education Reform (ASDER)

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1 Analysis of Statewide Developmental Education Reform (ASDER)
What is ASDER? A 4-year mixed-methods study exploring the nature, implementation, and early outcomes of developmental education redesigns in VA and NC. Redesigns seek to: Better align developmental and college curricula. Deliver targeted instruction through non-traditional course structures. Reduce the time needed to complete developmental requirements. Utilize more accurate customized assessments, including diagnostic exams in math. Thinking about equity U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), Fall 2001 and Spring 2002 through Spring 2014 Graduation Rates component. (This table was prepared November 2014.) How might student outcomes vary? Race Gender Age Income VA Math NC Math Students diagnostically placed into up to 9 1-credit modules based on program of study Students diagnostically placed into up to 8 1-credit modules based on program of study VA English NC English 3-tier integrated reading and writing courses (8 credit, 4 credit, and 2 credit + freshman comp) 3 sequential 8-week integrated reading and writing courses; co-requisite options ASDER is funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

2 35% 41% 40% 40% Preliminary Finding # 1 Preliminary Finding # 2
Math completion gaps are growing Math completion rates have increased for all racial subgroups post-reform. The completion gap between Black and White students has increased by 4 percentage points post- reform (17 percent less 13 percent). Preliminary Finding # 2 Developmental math placement gaps have doubled The pre-requisite for liberal arts math was lowered from intermediate algebra to beginning algebra. Post-redesign, intermediate algebra is only required for STEM majors. The reform has resulted in fewer developmental placements for all students, though Blacks see smaller declines. Disproportionate placement of Blacks may underlie the increase in the college math completion gap. 35% 41% 40% 40% 26 % pts (post) 17 % pts (post) 12 % pts (pre) 13 % pts (pre)

3 27% 12% 40% Preliminary Finding # 3
College English completion gaps are shrinking College English completion rates have increased for all racial subgroups post-reform. The completion gap between Black and White students has been reduced by 4 percentage points post-reform (15 percent less 19 percent). Preliminary Finding # 4 College English enrollment gaps have been halved College English enrollment rates have increased for all racial subgroups post-reform College English enrollments may be driving the reduction in the college English completion gap. The introduction of the co-requisite English course increases the number of students enrolling in College English. 27% 12% 40% 8 % pts (post) 19 % pts (pre) For more information about ASDER, contact Jessica Brathwaite at

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