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Interpreting Information Shown at a Weather Station

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1 Interpreting Information Shown at a Weather Station
Station Models Interpreting Information Shown at a Weather Station Mr. Fuentes Regents Earth Science

2 Weather Stations Collect Data All over the U. S
Weather Stations Collect Data All over the U.S., but how can we summarize all of this information on a weather map?

3 How can we represent all of these weather variables at one geographic location? The Standard Station Model:

4 How Do We Decode Pressure on a Station Model?
1.)Insert a decimal point one place to the left of the last digit: 196 19.6 2.) Add either a “10” or “9” in front to get your real pressure (mb) (The normal range of pressure on earth’s surface is from 960(mb)-1050(mb) Why not add 9? 19.6919.6: REJECTED! Follow this rule: If first digit is less than 5, add a “10” If first digit is 5 or greater, add a “9” Decode these pressures:

5 The Barometric Trend + 19 /
/ + means “Higher now than it was 3 hours ago” - means “Lower now than it was 3 hours ago” 19 = the pressure has changed by 1.9 mb / means the pressure is currently rising \ means the pressure is currently falling What was the pressure 3 hours ago? (mb)

6 Wind Speed and Direction

7 Page 13 on ESRT’s


9 Decode this Station Model:
1.) Temp 2.) Dew Point 3.) Pressure 4.) Barometric Trend 5.) Wind speed 6.) Direction 7.) Cloud Cover

10 Produce/Code a Station Model
Temperature= 45F Draw a Dewpoint= 32F Station Wind NE at 20 knots Model Overcast Using this Visibility= 1.5 miles  Data Rain Showers Pressure Now= mb Pressure 3 hrs. ago= mb Barometer Falling Precipitation in last 6 hrs.= .53 in.

11 Yours should look like this:

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