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Elaboration/Explain Techniques!

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1 Elaboration/Explain Techniques!
Use these after you cite evidence! Use a variety of elaboration techniques so you don’t bore your reader! Use these in your introduction or conclusion to enhance your style and voice! Have fun and add personality to your writing 

2 Read the following sentences
The United States is a country of fifty states. Sometimes America is called a melting pot. America is often considered the land of opportunity. English is the most commonly spoken language in America, followed by Spanish.

3 Good Question Technique
Have you ever considered how challenging it is for fifty different things to function as one? The United States is a country of 50 states.

4 Why do so many people want to live in America?
They want a chance to improve their lives. America is often considered the land of opportunity.

5 What is a melting pot? A pot where things and materials are mixed and melted together
Sometimes America is called a Melting Pot.

6 If ….Then If...Then sentences suggest a relationship between two events, ideas or concepts. Although using the if-then structure implies that there is a cause-and-effect relationship.  Details that convince

7 What does the move look like?
I am here to say that if you like to do artistic things, or anything that's different, then you should do what makes you feel good. If you love chocolate, then you should celebrate every September 13. If you're like most guys, you actually do like to write, even if you don't advertise this fact.

8 If_______, then If kids keep getting long homework assignments, then they will start to feel overwhelmed. If global warming continues, then our planet could be destroyed. If you never study, the you will definitely receive horrible grades. If we work together, then we could get done much faster. If you visit our classroom, then you will see how awesome Ms. Treuel is.

9 Opposite Side The opposite side move is when the author acknowledges or states a counterclaim. 

10 Opposing Sides sentence starters
Some people think... There are those who claim... Many people suggest... It is often believed.... Some argue that... A common belief is... Granted, one argument is... There may be some support for the idea... On one hand.... Some people may claim that...

11 Example paragraph Some young children think the driving age should be lowered, but in reality 13 year old's are not ready for the responsibility of driving. Imagine a world of young drivers driving when they can barely reach the gas pedal. A huge issue with drivers is texting and driving. What do you think teenage drivers would be doing? There would be more accidents that there already are. Basically, lowering the teenage driving is a horrible idea. The law should stay the same.

12 Imagine This This move places the reader directly into a situation that they can nearly feel, playing on readers' emotions more than on their logical thoughts. It is the description of a hypothetical situation to complement an argument, to show the ridiculousness of a counterargument , or simply to get readers to envision an unfamiliar or unlikely situation.

13 What does this move look like?
Picture this: It’s late at night. You’re asleep in bed, with blankets covering you. Suddenly, you wake up all hot and sweaty, so you kick off the covers. Imagine yourself slurping a soup full of tadpoles or finding a stuffed frog nestled in your rice. Imagine. You are a paratrooper suiting up for a jump. Guys on either side of you are doing the same. One jokes about having a dream that the chutes didn’t open. Another one says he’s glad everyone paid their insurance.

14 Sweet and Sour For argumentative or informative
Sweet and Sour details combine both sweet (positive) information about a subject with sour (or negative) information about the same subject.

15 What does this move look like in writing?
But our successes have not come without consequences. In every century, black discoverers and inventors have made their marks on history. Yet their inventiveness and ingenuity are known to only a few. In the early 1930s, Jews made huge contributions to the industrial, social and artistic life in Germany. But Adolf Hitler, who became chancellor in 1933, blamed them for Germany’s defeat in the First World War and its economic crisis.

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