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China Today Mini-debates.

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Presentation on theme: "China Today Mini-debates."— Presentation transcript:

1 China Today Mini-debates

2 Would you consider China today an enemy, or an opportunity?
Discuss Would you consider China today an enemy, or an opportunity? What is the most important factor?

3 China Today, Group Mini-Debates
You are on a TV show, informing viewers about an important, debatable issue! Groups of 5 (usually) 1 moderator, 2 debaters on each side Tasks Moderator, prepares informational presentation Background, stakeholders, debate, reasons for both sides Debaters, gather evidence, prepare arguments Summary paragraphs

4 China Today, Group Mini-Debates
U. S. debt to China benefits both countries Liam, Phoebe, Darren, Sophia, 2. China’s land-claiming actions in the South China Sea constitute a threat Anna, Alexa, Dawson, Nick, 3. China’s land-claiming actions on its western border constitute a threat Nyo, Brett, Dathan, Kazuki, Sonja 4. The U. S. should aggressively combat Chinese economic involvement in Africa Nathaniel, Julia, Huiqi, Andrew 5. Pollution in China is a big deal David, Luke, Amaya, Alex N., O. Coyne 6. China treats ethnic minorities really poorly Wolbert, O. Scott, Jeff, Tera Emma, Blake, Hoi, Aspen, Vanni

5 China Today, Group Mini-Debates
U. S. debt to China benefits both countries Orion, Blake, Thomas, Nicolas, Shannon 2. China’s land-claiming actions in the South China Sea constitute a threat Alex, Alisha, Madison, Aracelli, Emanuela 3. China’s land-claiming actions on its western border constitute a threat Carson, Josh, Brooke, Skye, Grant, 4. The U. S. should aggressively combat Chinese economic involvement in Africa Christina, Taylor M., Marco, Nicole, Renita 5. Pollution in China is a big deal Taylor E., Cash, Lake, Briana, Solana 6. China treats ethnic minorities really poorly Harmony, Bogdan, Sandy, Bryan, Ali

6 Which topics are most interesting? China Today, Group Mini-Debates
U. S. debt to China benefits both countries China’s land-claiming actions in the South China Sea constitute a threat China’s land-claiming actions on its western border constitute a threat The U. S. should aggressively combat Chinese economic involvement in Africa Pollution in China is a big deal China treats ethnic minorities really poorly

7 Tasks, China Today Group Mini-Debates due M 26th
Moderators, send me the ppt lastname_topic Pro and Con, print this: Summarize your arguments in an outline Paragraph or bullet points 2+ main points 4+ pieces of evidence

8 Moderator details About 5-10 slides
Background (who, what, when, where, why do we care?) Stakeholders (what people or countries care about the issue?) Possible solutions/future problems Works cited (about 3 sources)

9 Pro and Con details About 4 minutes to present case (so about 2 minutes each) Clear thesis for both partners 2-3 main points for each partner 4+ pieces of evidence (you probably will have more) 3-source Works Cited

10 Pro and Con Outline 2-3 main points, 4+ pieces of evidence total
Thesis: written out I. main point, summarized A. evidence, summarized B. evidence, summarized II. main point 2, summarized III. Planned rebuttal of other side’s likely argument

11 Suggestions! Pick cool rhetorical strategies to use in your debate. Predict the other team’s arguments, and refute them. Gather some sort of visual aids that will help state your case. Use editorials. Have fun!

12 Debate! 2 minutes, pro 4 minutes, con Discuss what happened
1 minute for con to summarize what pro said 4 minutes, con 2 minutes for pro to summarize what con said Discuss what happened Give compliments Be ready to share with class

13 ½ sheet, reflection Self grade
List other group members, their earned grades, and the reasons for them Discuss what you’d do differently next time Give me any feedback 

14 Fast Five, minidebates, China and U. S.
Box: rate China as an enemy or an ally (now that you know so much more) (1=enemy, 10=ally) Lines: summarize what we’ve learned in the minidebates and reflection to defend your rating

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