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THE Bell Jar CHAPTERS 13&14 Brooklyn, Maggie & Sophia.

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2 THE Bell Jar CHAPTERS 13&14 Brooklyn, Maggie & Sophia

3 Insight on mental illness
Becoming aware Insight on mental illness

4 In The Bell Jar chapters 13 and 14 by Sylvia Plath,
Thesis In The Bell Jar chapters 13 and 14 by Sylvia Plath, Esther struggles with emotions consuming her well being. She is not longer able to find peace of mind, which results in the attempt to end her life. Esther has lost complete control and a sense of hope.

5 Brief Summary Chapter 13 ~Attempts to drown herself, hang herself and overdose ~Considers admitting herself to the hospital but thinks again when she remembers the shock treatment Dr. Gordon gave her ~Esther’s Mother sends her to volunteer at a local hospital ~Esther goes to visit her Father’s grave and realizes that she had never cried over his death

6 ~Esther’s admitted to the Asylum
Chapter 14 ~Esther’s admitted to the Asylum ~George Bakewell, Mrs. Greenwood and Esther’s brother come to visit her ~Esther drops the mirror at the sight of herself

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