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12EN317 FEMINISM Credits: 4:0:0

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1 12EN317 FEMINISM Credits: 4:0:0
Course Objective • To introduced to the history of feminism And feminist theories and movements • To familiarize international perspectives on women and gender Course Outcome • To learn the evolution of feminism • To get introduced to feminist issues dealt in society and in literature • To understand feminism at multicultural context

2 Unit I THE EMERGENCE OF FEMINISTS THEORIES: Origin of European Feminism- Feminism in India- Feminists Theory Unit II CONTEMPORARY FEMINIST ISSUES: Work and Family-Sexuality and Health-Domestic Violence –Child abuse

3 Unit III FEMINIST MOVEMENTS TO TRANSFORM: Spirituality-Creativity-Language Unit IV FEMINIST WRITERS: Fiction – Poetry- Drama- Rhetoric- Literary Theories Unit V MULTICULTURAL FEMINISM: Psycho analytic feminism-Eco-feminism- French Feminism-post structural Feminism

4 Thank You

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