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About Statistics Service

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1 About Statistics Service
Karin Corr telephone Looking back at my childhood in Dalarna were vasaloppet takes place. Speciellt about one particular area. We were all out playing and talking to eah other and if you see the tranformation today at children and there activities it is a huge change. Smartphones plattor mm took over. . I can see some paralleller wwith the costumer services todat.

2 Statistics Service Statistics Service Functions
History The purpose Statistics Service Functions The Statistics Service vision Questions asked Conclusions User contacts The government agencies responsible for statistics Sweden in figures In the beginning of the 70 talet there was an information service at scb. When you call you can choose between different numbers. They could connect to the subject departments that have different numbers too (many telephone numbers att SCB) All numbers had to be supported by at least 2 persons and that was hard to fulfill. Before the introduction of the Statistics Service, we did have a customer support, but not comparable to the support we have today. The questions they got were not very difficult. Ypu got the answer from books. Fax and orinare mail. It was many numbers to know about and it was a bit difficult to The support by that time was divided between all the different subject areas of our organisation. The customer had to choose between 30 different numbers to get an answer on their specific question. In 2008 our Director General decided that it would be a better service for the customers if they had one number to call. Therefor Statistics services were introduced. SCB costumer service hasnt always a the as it looks like today. Before the introduction of the Statistics Service, we did have a customer support, but not comparable to the support we have today. The support by that time was divided between all the different subject areas of our organisation. The customer had to choose between 30 different numbers to get an answer on their specific question. 23 gruppnummer har tagits över hittills 2010

3 History Introduction In the beginning of the 70 talet there was an information service at scb. When you call you can choose between different numbers. They could connect to the subject departments that have different numbers too (many telephone numbers att SCB) All numbers had to be supported by at least 2 persons and that was hard to fulfill. Before the introduction of the Statistics Service, we did have a customer support, but not comparable to the support we have today. The questions they got were not very difficult. Ypu got the answer from books. Fax and orinare mail. It was many numbers to know about and it was a bit difficult to The support by that time was divided between all the different subject areas of our organisation. The customer had to choose between 30 different numbers to get an answer on their specific question. In 2008 our Director General decided that it would be a better service for the customers if they had one number to call. Therefor Statistics services were introduced.

4 The purpose Always respond Always help Fast reply
The subject department will not be interrupt with easy questions The subject department wont need to man their telephone The purpose of a central Customerservice? The central Customer Service is the Front Desk for all phone-calls Transparency Short Queuing time Better quality in the answers Continuous development of the competence Cost-effective work Satisfied customers

5 Statistics Services Functions
To support the customer, who contact SCB by phone or with the statistics the need by our Statistics tutors Free guidance at SCB:s web and to other authorities homepage Mediates contact with our expert of statistic Guide the customer in historical statistics Basic support EU statistics Guide the customer to find statistic at other countries websites Help to understand the statistics Do commision statistics, many subjects area Gå till Visa Sidhuvud och sidfot för att ändra/ta bort denna sidfot

6 The Statistics Service vision
Help the costumers to find the statistics High general skills Collaboration with experts in different subjects at SCB and other authorities, countries and international organizations. Help the costumers to find the statistics it needs with a statitics perspectiv and also a 24/11/2018 Alf Fyhrlund

7 Gå till Visa Sidhuvud och sidfot för att ändra/ta bort denna sidfot
Experts Difficult questions Commision statistics We connest the questions to the expert when it is difficukt qquestions and we dont find the answer on or assignement Gå till Visa Sidhuvud och sidfot för att ändra/ta bort denna sidfot

8 Questions asked Index, the economy report, economic statistics in general, welfare, employment, demographics divided into different groups. Time-series incl. historical statistics are in demand in all areas. International statistics on all areas  32

9 We contribute to greater understanding statistics
The ability to understand the difference between the statistics and facts The ability to read and interpret statistics The ability to find statistics on the website

10 Conclusions Large proportion of customers contact Statistic service for the first time The website can never be sufficient for all users A continuously improved site leads to new questions to statistical service

11 User contacts 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Statistics Service
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Statistics Service - telephone enquiries 14 500 18 900 17 900 16 800 14400 13400  – enquiries by 7 600 8 000 6 900 7 400 6 500 5700 4900 Statistics Sweden's website – number of visits 3.1 million 4.0 million 4.5 million 5.4 million 6.8 million 7.7 million 8.7 million Sweden's Statistical Databases – number of retrievals 1.2 million 1.3 million 1.0 million 1.1 million på fem år. Under samma tid har uttagen ur databaserna nästan dubblerats. Källa: SCB:s årsredovisning och biblioteket

12 The government agencies responsible for statistics
Deciding on statistical content and extend in their field At least one survey per statistical area Deciding on new surveys and closures of existing studies Responsible for the quality of statistics and dissemination

13 Government agencies responsible for statistics
Det finns 27 statistiskansvariga myndigheter som har ansvar över den officiella statistiken inom deras ämnesområde.

14 Contact us E-mail:
Statistics Service: to Statistics Sweden's staff: Postal address: STATISTICS SWEDEN STATISTICS SWEDEN Box 24300 Stockholm Örebro Visiting address: Karlavägen 100 Klostergatan 23 Telephone: Statistics Service: Vi vill att vår statistik ska användas! Kontakta oss gärna. Lättast är att besöka vår webbplats: Statistikservice svarar på dina frågor vardagar kl 9-12 och (Under sommarmånaderna gäller andra tider.) Vi har även en presstjänst för alla frågor från media.

15 Kommunikationsavdelningen Kommunikationsstöd och PR


17 Sweden in figures New content on the website:
presented in a simple, graphical, interactive and attractive way. Multi-channel communication strategy, including: A yearly release of a publication called Sweden in figures, with infographics A new concept for study visits A teacher´s guide A social media strategy Sweden in figures includes: New content on the website: a selection of statistics based on the social science curriculum for year olds, presented in a simple graphical, interactive and interesting way. Close cooperation with teachers and their classes throughout the project, writing a teacher´s guide that explains how to use the material in class. Multichannel communication strategy, including: A new concept for study visits to Statistics Sweden. A yearly release of a publication called Sweden in figures, highlighting parts of the material on the web.

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