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Strategy for Comprehension

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Presentation on theme: "Strategy for Comprehension"— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategy for Comprehension
You can be an SQ3R Superstar! Reading with the SQ3R Strategy for Comprehension By Michele Fann

2 What is SQ3R? To answer this question, let’s watch a short video clip:

3 SQ3R is a Reading Comprehension Strategy Why use the SQ3R study method?
Helps you understand what you read! Helps you remember what you read! Helps you study for tests! HELPS YOU MAKE BETTER GRADES!!!!

4 What does SQ3R stand for? S = Survey! Q = Question! R = Read!
R = Recite! R = Review!

5 Survey! Record the titles, headings, and subheadings from a section of a chapter.

6 Question! Turn the titles, headings, and subheadings into questions by asking who, what, when, where, or how?

7 Read! Read the text. Write short answers to the questions listed as you find them while reading.

8 Read aloud the questions.
Recite Read aloud the questions. Answer the questions aloud in your own words

9 Write a summary paragraph.
Review Write a summary paragraph.

10 That’s all it takes to be an SQ3R Superstar!
Survey! Question! Read! Recite! Review! You’re an SQ3R (clap, clap) Superstar!


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