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Enhancements to the new BrainTap Headset!

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Presentation on theme: "Enhancements to the new BrainTap Headset!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Enhancements to the new BrainTap Headset!
Patrick K. Porter, Ph.D. March 2016 Self-Mastery Technology (SMT)® is a registered trademark of Patrick K. Porter, Ph.D. & Todd Singleton, D.C.

2 We’ve engaged a NEW manufacturer to make a number of improvements to the headset with the goal of creating the best possible experience for our users. It’s lighter, more comfortable, easier to adjust and more effective than ever before.


4 #1 The headset has a greater range of adjustments for a better fit.

5 #2 The visor is thinner, lighter and more flexible so it won’t cause pressure on the ears or nose.

6 #3 The headset and visor have a glossy white finish that’s easy to clean.

7 #4 The earphone pads are black, as is the cloth covering the lights inside the earphones.

8 #5 The adjustment for the visor is now a simple slider.

9 #6 There are red and blue lights in the earphones
#6 There are red and blue lights in the earphones. The blue is set at a frequency known for its parasympathetic (calming) effect and red light is known for enhancing blood flow.

10 #7. The visor’s LED lights are new, brighter and crisper and let us eliminate the extra nine lights and the bulky cords that often got in the way of adjusting the visor.

11 # 8 The headset has been upgraded for better sound quality
# 8 The headset has been upgraded for better sound quality. During beta testing, the new BrainTap earned a 9.5 out of 10 score for sound quality!

12 # 9 Volume control + and – are now on the headset.

13 # 10 The battery indicator light will glow amber when the battery drops to 20% charge. The light will turn red when you plug it in and green when the headset is fully charged.

14 # 11 The headset will operate normally while plugged into the charger.

15 # 12 And, finally, the headset is delivered in a beautiful new case with an elegant molded holder and clear cover designed to protect the BrainTap during shipping and for years to come!

16 # 13 The BrainTap now comes with a longer life battery
# 13 The BrainTap now comes with a longer life battery mAh should deliver 9-11 sessions on a full charge.

17 # 14 The longer life battery 1300 mAh can be purchased so that one battery can be charging while the other is in use. (Battery Charger for NOKIA BL-5C BL-5CA BL-5CB BR-5C E50 E60 N70 N71 N72 N )

18 How to Connect Your BrainTap™ Headset

19 Charging Your BrainTap™ Headset

20 Staff Explaining the BrainTap
Light Frequencies Flashing light patterns train the brain to operate in the best mode for creativity, focus, and mindfulness. This brainwave entrainment can transform the listener into a mental powerhouse with the right mindset to accomplish just about anything. Binaural Beats MP3 Imbedded tones guide the brain into states of deep relaxation. Within minutes the brain reaches extraordinary levels of focus and performance that would otherwise take years of practice to achieve. Self Mastery Technology (SMT) SMT helps listeners create a new self-image as a healthy, happy, optimistic person who no longer lets small things turn into stress. SMT makes sure listeners are focusing on everything they want out of life so they can have it, effortlessly! Mind Relaxing Music The music on every process is designed to create a full 360 degree experience that floods the mind with beautiful, serene thoughts and images.

21 Braintap Terminology Binaural Beats Self-Mastery Technology™ (SMT)
Brainwave Entrainment Frequency Following Response Neuro-Sensory Algorithms™ (NSA) Isochronic Tones Dual-Voice Technique

22 Binaural Beats Binaural beats are two separate tones of a slightly different pitch. One tone is presented to the left ear and the other to the right ear. Your brain combines the two tones to make a single new tone. The single tone pulses to match relaxed brainwave frequencies. Your brain follows the pattern and creates a relaxed state that is optimal for learning, problem solving, and self-motivation.

23 Self-Mastery Technology™ (SMT)
Self-Mastery Technology is the process of using spoken-word messages to form mental images through visualization. Visualization is the primary component of the imagination and is at the core of the human ability to create, innovate and dream.

24 Brainwave Entrainment
Brainwave entrainment, also known as audio/visual stimulation (AVStim) uses light, sound, and guided relaxation to help you de-stress and live life more fully. People who regularly use brainwave entrainment learn to operate in the best brainwave mode for creativity, focus, and concentration.

25 Frequency Following Response
Frequency following response (FFR) is the effect created through synchronized light and sound. It's how the brain "syncs" to the lights and tones. While your brain follows the frequencies, you experience less inner chatter and improved concentration. After a few days or weeks of regular use, most people gain a sense of balance and inner calm. Users report feeling serene, focused, and alert even when faced with high-pressure situations.

26 Neuro-Sensory Algorithms™ (NSA)
Self-Mastery Technology™ sessions that are encoded with Neuro-Sensory Algorithms™ (NSA) technology to gently guide the user from the wide-awake state into the optimum learning state. Each BrainTap system has a mini computer that converts the NSA encoded signal embedded within each Self-Mastery Technology session. The user is guided through the brainwave entrainment process designed specifically for that session.

27 Isochronic Tones Isochronic tones are equal intensity pulses of sound separated by an interval of silence. They turn on and off rapidly, but the speed depends on the desired brain frequency. The discrete nature of isochronic tones makes them particularly easy for the brain to follow. While binaural beats rely on balanced hearing in both ears, isochronic tones work effectively for nearly everyone, with the exception of someone with complete hearing loss. This is one of the reasons the PorterVision NSAs incorporate both types of tones.

28 Dual Voice Technique This is intentional. It’s not a mistake!
The purpose of the dual voice is three-fold. First, you’ll notice that the ancillary voice moves from right to left. This is to activate both the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Second, you’ll find that the primary voice is more assertive, while the secondary voice is more passive. This, too, is to activate different areas of the brain.

29 Dual Voice Technique Third, the two voices work together to create a whole-brain state by inspiring the conscious mind to let go. When the conscious mind isn’t trying to control every word, it helps the brain to balance while freeing the individual to relax and enjoy the positive ideas and images being presented. It’s advisable to inform patients about the dual-voice so they don’t think there’s an issue with the recording. You’ll find that when you tell them they don't have to consciously listen to either voice, they’ll thoroughly enjoy the deeper relaxation this dual-voice method provides.

30 What to Say Before the Patient / Client Demo
Helps reduces stress, worry, frustration and irritability while helping you to achieving emotional stability, psychological balance, and mental harmony Helps you attain the right mindset to achieve your goals Helps you access a deeper meditative state without years of disciplined practice Helps enhanced concentration, memory and recall Helps increase mental clarity of thought and develop your intuition Helps enhance sleep so you can awaken feeling rejuvenated and energized

31 How to Care for Your Braintap System
Smart Shield Wipe down equipment after each use. Set equipment back in designated spot for use in next session. Untangle any cords for easy setup. Recharge unit when necessary to keep charged for future scheduled sessions. Remember: Keep BrainTap area - clean, neat and professional looking.

32 BrainTap Pricing Options
Per Session Package Pricing Include it in Your Program Create a Take Home Program The Classroom Model


34 Have questions about how to use the new BrainTap System
Have questions about how to use the new BrainTap System? We’re here to help! Call the help desk at or Self-Mastery Technology (SMT)® is a registered trademark of Patrick K. Porter, Ph.D. & Todd Singleton, D.C.

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