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Value of the Month Humanity 仁.

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Presentation on theme: "Value of the Month Humanity 仁."— Presentation transcript:

1 Value of the Month Humanity

2 What is Humanity? Humanity “Ren” refers to the highest moral goal a person seeks to achieve. It is used to not only to denote a special kind of virtue but also to denote all the virtues combined. A man who exemplifies “Ren” is one who desires to develop himself and develop others to bring out the best in the human spirit.

3 What is Humanity? “Ren” means:
Do unto others what you wish for yourself. Do not do to others what you do not wish for yourself. In essence, it is about how to be a person- 做人 To establish one’s self in order to establish others

4 Video on Humanity

5 Group discussion How did the video demonstrate the value of “Humanity”? Which incident relates with you the most? Why? Would you have done the same if you were in those scenarios? Why? What are the learning points from the video?

6 Application in another context
Just like how we do unto others what we wish for ourselves, we should be mindful that our mindsets and actions towards the environment will impact others in positive or negative ways. As we wish for a healthy and clean environment to live in, for ourselves and our generations to come, we should also examine our actions and do good to the environment for others as well.

7 Video on WilliamKamkwamba

8 Humanity and the Environment
How was the value of Humanity demonstrated in the video? What connections can be seen between Humanity and the environment from the video?

9 Summary of Lesson We live out the value of “Humanity” by constantly reflecting on our own actions to bring out the best in ourselves and others We should always be ready to lend a helping hand to our community and environment


11 Clothes Drive By donating useable clothes to the community, we not only help others in society but also conserve our environmental resources so that there will be less wastage Sort and pack the old clothes that you have brought nicely Put them in plastic bags that you have brought and arrange them nicely at the back of your classroom

You may want to sort the clothes according to the following, Male / female Children / adult

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