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Read the following quote:

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1 Warm Up Question – answer the following questions on your half sheet of paper
Read the following quote: “Then I began to think, that it is very true which is commonly said, that the one half of the world knoweth not how the other half liveth.” --Rabelais 16th Century Answer the following Questions: Rewrite the quote so that a 5th grader could understand it. Do you believe the statement is true today? Why or why not?

2 A summary of the World If we could, at this time, shrink the Earth’s population to a village of precisely 100 people, with all existing human ratios remaining the same, it would look like this:

3 * There would be 57 Asians, 21 European, 14 from the Western Hemisphere and 8 Africans

4 70 would be non-white; 30 white
* 70 would be non-white; 30 white * 70 would be non-Christian; 30 Christian

5 50% of the entire world wealth would be in the hands of only 6 people
* 50% of the entire world wealth would be in the hands of only 6 people. All 6 would be citizens of the United States.

6 * 70 would be unable to read * 50 would suffer from malnutrition

7 * 80 would live in sub-standard housing

8 * Only 1 would have a college education
When one considers our world from such an incredibly compressed perspective, the need for both tolerance and understanding becomes glaringly apparent.

9 OTHER CULTURES: trading, conquering, languages
POLITICAL – government laws, authority, judges/courts SOCIAL- friends, entertainment family, language, social structure BELIEFS- religion, values, morals AESTHETICS- “the arts”, architecture, paintings, plays, drama, poetry literature, dance PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY: land forms- mountains, rivers, lakes, natural resources climate ECONOMICS- money! businesses, food trade/barter, taxes distribution of resources HISTORY/TIMELINE: chronological events

10 What would the World Cultures Model look like for Ponderosa?


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