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Thursday 1/12/17 Notebook Entry: When you are taking a quiz what are things you can do to help you do better? Make a list of as many as you can think.

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Presentation on theme: "Thursday 1/12/17 Notebook Entry: When you are taking a quiz what are things you can do to help you do better? Make a list of as many as you can think."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thursday 1/12/17 Notebook Entry: When you are taking a quiz what are things you can do to help you do better? Make a list of as many as you can think of.

2 Tips for Fill in the Blank questions
Read the statement and think about what could be missing. Jot possible answer choices down on the side of your test. Pick the choice that fits the statement best. Read the completed statement and make sure it makes sense. Read the statement to make sure it is grammatically correct the word “an” signifies the answer should start with a vowel and the word “a” signifies the answer should start with a consonant.

3 Quiz Directions: When you are finished turn the quiz into the basket & put the folder in the pile on the table by the window. QUIETLY get your “Where is the Copper Packet” from the table by the window. QUIETLY review over your answers so far to jog your memory. Then pre-read the remaining questions so you get an idea of what you will be doing next.

4 Porphyry Copper Deposits
The subduction of oceanic crust results in making hydrothermal solutions that eventually harden near the surface forming mineral deposits.

5 Sediment-Hosted Copper Deposits
Water seeps into the group and pulls Copper (CU) elements from the rock.

6 Part 2: Evidence Card Analysis Part 3: Global Copper Distribution
Research Question: Why is copper only found in certain parts of the world? Part 2: Evidence Card Analysis Part 3: Global Copper Distribution Part 4: Final Conclusions Work with your tablemates to finish all the questions. We will begin discussing the ______ Answer the questions in your packet using complete sentences!



9 Exit Ticket On the back of your packet answer the following: After reviewing the evidence how would you answer the research question: Why is copper only found in certain parts of the world? This is the first draft of your claim and a claim is only one or two sentences!! No more than that! Don’t include evidence or reasoning in your claim.

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