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Desirable / Feasible / Viable

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Presentation on theme: "Desirable / Feasible / Viable"— Presentation transcript:

1 Desirable / Feasible / Viable
Simon Thompson 19 March 2018 Desirable / Feasible / Viable

2 HOUsekeeping

3 Poster hand in Submit your posters in PDF format Don’t overdo the resolution: 150 dpi is fine Submit to: \\raptor\exports\proj\co334c\poster (Note the 'c' - for Canterbury campus) Write access to this folder will close at 23.55, Monday 26 March. No extensions, no excuses. You must make sure your group’s poster is uploaded.

4 Handout for the poster fair
Please prepare a one page handout for the poster fair. Please print enough copies to give to supervisors (and other interested people). This should concentrate on the technical contribution of your project, and could cover, for example Which sensors you use, which Java methods etc. How you worked on the programs as a group. The most challenging aspects of the work. What you would do differently if you were to do it again. How you would extend the project if you had more time.


6 Importance = Likelihood × Impact
Risk management Identify and assess risks … Importance = Likelihood × Impact … and plan to minimize their effects.

7 Potential mitigations
Avoid the risky activity Reduce the likelihood Reduce the impact Accept the risk


9 Sometimes we have to make decisions on the basis of incomplete information …
… volume of a room based on “pacing out” the dimensions … … not just a guess, but a reasoned attempt to use the information we have.

10 CAN Your project make a successful Product?

11 Acknowledgements to

12 Defining success

13 Desirability & Usability
Feasibility Viability Desirability & Usability

14 Desirability & Usability
Feasibility Viability Market Risk Desirability & Usability

15 Desirability & Usability
Feasibility Viability Market Risk Desirability & Usability Will the dog eat the dog food? Does it address a major pain point?

16 Question 1

17 Who are your key customers / clients?

18 Who are your key competitors …
… and what is your “unique selling point”?

19 If it’s such a good idea …
… how do people do it with existing tech?

20 Desirability & Usability
Feasibility Viability Business Risk Market Risk Desirability & Usability

21 Desirability & Usability
Feasibility Viability Business Risk Will the dog hunt? Do the economics work? Is the risk worth the reward? Is it sustainable? Market Risk Desirability & Usability

22 Question 2

23 How will you derive income?

24 Desirability & Usability
Feasibility Viability Technology Risk Business Risk Market Risk Desirability & Usability

25 Desirability & Usability
Feasibility Viability Technology Risk Business Risk Will it work? Is it possible? Market Risk Desirability & Usability

26 Desirability & Usability
Feasibility Viability Technology Risk Business Risk Team Risk Market Risk Desirability & Usability


28 Desirability …  customers and USP
Viability … costs and sustainability Feasibility … technical

29 Desirability & Usability
Feasibility Viability Technology Risk Business Risk Team Risk Market Risk Desirability & Usability

30 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.

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