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MIPS Single and Multi Cycle Data Paths Mite 2

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1 MIPS Single and Multi Cycle Data Paths Mite 2
Ellen Spertus MCS 111 October 31, 2002


3 Today MIPS: single-cycle datapath MIPS: multi-cycle datapth
Review Definitions Timing Instructions to control bits MIPS: multi-cycle datapth Lab: Mite 2

4 Big picture We want to be able to use the same hardware to interpret different types of instructions. Control signals allow this, by controlling which path of a multiplexer is enabled controlling whether writes are performed controlling ALU behavior The control unit generates control signals from the bits in the instruction word.

5 Definitions (HP, p. 14) Control Datapath The “brain” of the computer
Tells the datapath, memory, and i/o devices what to do according to the instructions Datapath The “brawn” of the computer Performs arithmetic operations

6 Datapath with control unit
Figure 5.22

7 From instruction bits to control bits

8 Single-cycle datapath
What we’ve been studying for the past two weeks. Each instruction takes one clock cycle There is one set of control signals for each instruction Mite uses a single-cycle datapath

9 Datapath with control unit
2 ns 2 ns 2 ns 1 ns What should the cycle time be?

10 Function units used by the instruction class
Clock cycle time Instruction class Function units used by the instruction class cycle time = Stage/ time (ns) Instruction fetch (2) Register read (1) ALU (2) Memory (2) Register write (1) Total r-format lw sw branch jump

11 Disadvantages of single-cycle MIPS
All instructions take the same amount of time — the time of the slowest instruction Pieces of hardware are duplicated Memory ALU

12 Multicycle implementation
Instructions take different amounts of time, depending on the number of stages they require Hardware can be reused ALU Memory Disadvantage: More complex control

13 Multicycle datapath Note that there is just one ALU and memory unit.

14 add $r1, $r2, $r3 2 3 1

15 Comparison Single-cycle Each instruction takes one clock cycle.
There is one set of control signals for each instruction. The clock period is the length of the slowest instruction. Multi-cycle Each instruction takes multiple clock cycles. There is one set of control signals for each cycle of each instruction. The clock period is the length of the slowest stage.

16 Instruction time: multi-cycle
Instruction class Function units used by the instruction class cycle time = Stage/ time (ns) Instruction fetch (2) Register read (1) ALU (2) Memory (2) Register write (1) Total r-format lw sw branch jump

17 Multicycle summary Allows instructions using fewer stages (such as ) to run more quickly than instructions requiring more stages (such as ). Requires more complicated control and temporary registers than single-cycle. Allows hardware (such as ) to be reused with an instruction.

18 Mite 2 Add a program counter and instruction memory to Mite.
Due date: Friday, Nov. 15.

19 LS163: 4-bit synchronous counter
If reset’, set outputs (Q3..Q1) to zero If load’, set outputs to inputs (P3..P1) If enable and Cin, increment outputs What do you think is in the 163?

20 EPROMs Electronically Programmable Read-Only Memory 27C256 Controls
32K addressable bytes 8 bits per byte Controls Chip enable (CE’) low Output enable (OE’) low Programming voltage (Vpp) high

21 Mite 1

22 Mite 2

23 Hexadecimal

24 Program

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