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1- INTRODUCTION Why? The evaluation report of the communication plans for the Operational Programmes showed the need to improve the communication with.

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Presentation on theme: "1- INTRODUCTION Why? The evaluation report of the communication plans for the Operational Programmes showed the need to improve the communication with."— Presentation transcript:


2 1- INTRODUCTION Why? The evaluation report of the communication plans for the Operational Programmes showed the need to improve the communication with the citizens by informing them of the real benefits achieved in their areas thanks to the UE.

3 How? By designing a traveling communication campaings which is based on a strong’ closeness to the citizens’ principle and is adapted to each town in order to explain the importance of the EU Policy in the region in a direct and easy way.

4 What did the campaign involve?
Two exhibition buses traveled around one hundred towns with less than 1000,000 inhabitants. The exhibition showed the evolution of Andalusia in the last 25 years thanks to the support of the European Funds.

5 2-ROUTES ROUTE 1: Seville, Cádiz, Málaga & Huelva
More than 7,000 km covered across 98 Andalusian towns of less than 100,000 inhabitants. ROUTE 1: Seville, Cádiz, Málaga & Huelva ROUTE 2: Jaén, Córdoba, Granada & Almería

Two lift-up door buses with 50-m2 interior capacity. Exterior specific signage for the campaign.

7 3.2- The interior exposition
Two interior areas were designed inside the bus: the exhibition area and the activities area.

8 Exhibition area About to video
Showing videos and pictures about those cofinanced projects carried out in the region/town. Pictures of 1986 compared to current pictures. About to video

9 Activities area Vídeo CASTING Bus ‘I am European’ Diploma
Surveys about European Funds Video casting Vídeo CASTING Bus

Adaptation of the exhibition’s projects. Prior to campaign’s actions: Identification of projects cofinanced in each town. Photographic coverage of all 98 towns and the projects carried out. Design adapted to each town.



13 5-IMPACT MEDIA Advertisement insertion in regional and local mass media (press, radio, television and internet).

14 Impact on local press

15 Impact on digital media

16 Impact on TV

17 Campaign’ diffussion MEDIA DIFFUSSION El Día de Córdoba 2.245 Granada Hoy 4.321 Diario de Almería 3.685 Diario Jaén 7.724 Ideal de Granada 23.779 Córdoba 12.721

18 TOTAL 113.990 MEDIA DIFFUSSION Diario de Cádiz 21.839 Diario de Jérez
6.578 Europa Sur 3.406 Diario de Sevilla 18.426 Huelva Información 5.848 Málaga Hoy 3.418 TOTAL

19 6-WEB Designing a specific website with continuous updates during the entire duration of the campaign

Over 7,000 km traveled. About 10,000 visitors of all ages. Marketing: 3,000 mobile cases, 2,000 windmills and 3,000 leaflets. Visitors showed great interest in the videos projected inside the bus.

21 About 3,000 surveys on the European Funds:
Most of the respondents -8 out of 10-, claim to know the existence of the European Funds. Three-quarters of the respondents (76%) think their town has greatly improved in the las years and 66% of them do associate such improvements with the aid coming from the EU. 8 out of 10 Andalusian citizens believe the European Funds can continue to benefit their town. Total cost of the campaign: ,12 euros.

22 Thank you!

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