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Global Perspective Studies Folsom High School Opening Assembly

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1 Global Perspective Studies Folsom High School Opening Assembly
August 28, 2018

2 Attendance Today: GPS I: GPS II and III
Your PAWS teacher will take attendance. GPS II and III Please initial next to your name on the rosters that are being passed down the rows on clipboards. Students who do not sign in will be reported as absent! If you do not see your name on the list, please print it clearly. See Mrs Watson or Mrs. Malaspino after PAWS today so that we can reconcile our records.

3 Welcome to GPS! GPS Seminar 1:
Global Awareness and Introduction to Design Thinking Mrs. Malaspino, Coordinator Mr. Carroll, Mr. McKeen, Mrs. Posner, Mr. Navone, Advisors GPS Seminar 2: In Depth Study of Global Issues, Introduction to Design Thinking, Introduce Service Learning Mrs. Watson, Coordinator GPS Seminar 3: Global Issues and Service Learning, Introduce Project Mr. Yoder and Mr. Navone, Coordinators GPS Seminar 4: Independent Global Studies Project Mrs. Hoerner, Ms. Reeve, and Mr. Peterson, Project Advisors Global Outreach Club: Service, fundraising, and global awareness opportunities beyond the school day Mr. Werra, Advisor Administrative Team: Mr. Cadenhead, Principal; Mrs. Sisson, Vice Principal; Mrs. Estrada, Counselor

4 GPS Core and Elective Instructors
CURRENTLY OFFERED ELECTIVES SPANISH LANGUAGE: Ms. Baker Ms. Pellegri Ms. Martin Ms. Nunes FRENCH LANGUAGE Ms. Messer Ms. Girard GERMAN LANGUAGE Ms. Wilson GPS Intercultural Speech Communication Ms. Posner GPS Humanities/Academic Decathlon Mr. Peterson AP Seminar Ms. Malaspino CORE CLASSES Grades 9-12 GPS English 9 Mr. Carroll Honors English 9 Ms. Holton Ms. Stravers GPS World Cultures Mr. Peterson AP European History Dr. Rowland Ms. Doller GPS US History Mr. Navone AP US History Mr. Yoder Mr. Hallam GPS English 12 Ms. Reeve AP English Lit

5 REMIND: Sign Up Now to Stay Informed!
GENERAL REMIND ACCOUNT for FHSGPS: SMARTPHONES: Get push notifications. Open your web browser and go to the following link: NO SMARTPHONE: Get text messages. Text the to the number 81010 REMIND ACCOUNT FOR GLOBAL OUTREACH CLUB: SMARTPHONES: NO SMARTPHONE: @goreach

6 GPS Grade Level-Specific Accounts
Class of 2022 (9th graders) SMARTPHONES: NO SMARTPHONE: Class of 2021 (10th graders) SMARTPHONES: NO SMARTPHONE: to 81010 Class of 2020 (11th graders) SMARTPHONES: NO SMARTPHONE: to 81010

7 GPS Website/TeamUp Calendar: STAY INFORMED
Be sure to visit the Folsom High School Website/Global Perspective Studies page for calendar updates and all required forms for the program. Visit GPS Teacher Website pages for specific coursework information. Visit the “Team-Up” Calendar on the FHS Homepage for calendar updates and information.

8 GPS: A Four-Year Journey
Certificate: Complete all four years of core classes Complete a minimum of ONE GPS elective Complete 12 hours of globally focused service learning Grade 9 Engage in presentations and small group activiites as part of GPS I Grade 11 Engage in Service Based learning as part of GPS III Grade 10 Engage in project based learning as part of GPS 2 Grade 12 Engage in a team-based Capstone Project as part of GPS IV Diploma: Complete certificate requirements Complete at least ONE MORS GPS elective Complete A-G requirements for college admission All candidates who complete the program will be honored at Cum Laude and at Graduation! Completion will be recorded on your transcript.

9 GPS Certificate All students who complete one of the following pathways will be honored at Cum Laude and wear a blue stole at graduation. Complete AT LEAST ONE GPS elective Current offerings: Level III, IV, or AP World Language (Level II with approval) GPS Humanities I (AcaDeca) GPS Intercultural Speech Communication AP Seminar Additional electives WITH APPROVAL NOT Currently Offered: GPS World Masterpieces AP Human Geography AP Environmental Science Complete Seminars I, II, III, IV Complete GPS Core Classes GPS English 9 OR Honors English 9 GPS World Cultures OR AP European History GPS AP History OR AP US History GPS English 12 OR AP Lit

10 GPS Diploma In Addition to Certificate Requirements listed on previous slide: Complete AT LEAST TWO GPS electives from the approved list. Complete A-G requirements for CSU/UC admission. GPS Diploma Recipients receive a seal on their diploma.

11 GPS Seminar I Instructors
If you are in a GPS PAWS teacher’s class, you are enrolled in GPS! Mr. Carroll, English, C109 Mr. McKeen, Health, D108 Mr. Navone, Social Science, A207 Ms. Posner, Speech and Debate, HS 104 Coordinator: Mrs. Malaspino, A103

12 GPS I: Developing Global Awareness, Intro to Design Thinking
Meets during PAWS, about once a month. Meets in the THEATER, SMALL GYM, or in your PAWS classroom Curriculum includes Guest Speaker Series Small group activities Intro to Design Thinking Service Learning opportunities

13 What is Design Thinking?


15 Save the Dates for Spring:
GPS Seminar I Save the Dates for Fall: Sept 19, October 24, November 14, December 5 Save the Dates for Spring: January 9 and 16, February 13, March 6, April 24 Please have your PAWS teacher stamp your PAWSport if they have not already done so. Attendance at all sessions is REQUIRED.

16 Welcome GPS II students!
Coordinator: Mrs. Watson Room: P-104

17 GPS Seminar II Critical World Issues WATER ENERGY

18 GPS II Focus-Fall World Water Issues Where is water coming from?
Who has clean water? How do countries deal with distribution, drought and deluge? What differences are there between developed vs developing countries? What has been successful, what hasn’t? What are the solutions? What has worked? What hasn’t?

19 Water issues in developing nations Water concerns in the United States
GPS Seminar II-Fall Water issues in developing nations Water concerns in the United States

20 GPS Seminar II-Fall How can water resources best be managed?

21 GPS Seminar II-Spring What is the future of energy?
Foundational energies

22 GPS Seminar II-Spring What is the future of energy?
Transitional energies

23 GPS Seminar II – Mrs. Watson – P104
Last name A – L = GPS Compass West First meeting Wednesday, September 19 Last name M – Z = GPS Compass East First meeting Thursday, September 20 Seminar II groups will meet four times per semester on a rotation. Attendance is REQUIRED.

24 Water issues in developing nations Water concerns in the United States
GPS Seminar II Water issues in developing nations Water concerns in the United States

25 GPS Seminar II How can water resources best be managed?

26 GPS Seminar II What is the future of energy? Foundational energies

27 GPS Seminar II – Mrs. Watson – P104
Last name A – L = GPS Compass West First meeting Wednesday, September 19 Last name M – Z = GPS Compass East First meeting Thursday, September 20 Seminar II groups will meet four times per semester on a rotation. Attendance is REQUIRED.

28 Google Classroom Code sf2no9r

29 GPS Seminar III: Global Service
Meets once a month in the LIBRARY during PAWS Attendance at all sessions is REQUIRED. Guest speakers will address global issues with tangible service opportunities Other service opportunities will be available through participation in the GPS Club.

30 GPS Seminar III Save the Dates for Fall: September 26, October 31
November 28 Save the Dates for Spring: January 9 and 23, February 27 March 20, April 25 Write it in your PAWSport and don’t forget! Attendance at all sessions is REQUIRED. Coordinators: Mrs. Malaspino, A103 Advisors: Mr. Navone and Mr. Yoder

31 SERVICE REQUIREMENTS In Order to Complete GPS Service Requirements
Complete a MINIMUM of 12 hours of approved global community service beginning in 9th grade and finishing in 11th grade Service opportunities to fulfill SOME of these hours will be offered through Seminars I, II, and III as well as the GLOBAL OUTREACH CLUB.

32 Global Outreach Club Remind 101: Text @goreach to 810-10
global reach video.m4v Remind 101: to Facebook Google Classroom Page: code: scwfdn

33 Make an impact as part of GPS!

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