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AELP Update Thursday 22nd March, 2018 Cheryl Swales, Project Manager

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Presentation on theme: "AELP Update Thursday 22nd March, 2018 Cheryl Swales, Project Manager"— Presentation transcript:

1 AELP Update Thursday 22nd March, 2018 Cheryl Swales, Project Manager

2 In this update….. Hot off the press!!! Apprenticeship reforms update
Funding/Policy Updates Apprenticeship Service Roadmap New AELP Bi Monthly Publication – The Insider Sector Headlines briefing documents for members AELP Events Programme 2018 Future Apprenticeships Support Programme and Toolkit Technology Conferences

3 Apprenticeship Reforms Update
41% fall in apprenticeship starts since levy introduced Level 2 starts halved Higher & Degree starts up 27% (1st quarter) 16 – 18 starts dropped by 38% in 6 months 103 End Point Assessment Organisations 217 Standards available for delivery 313 standards in development Likely review of funding bands No more framework withdrawals until 2020 Keen to hear examples of where no standards are yet available and funding for frameworks is not viable New Levy transfer rule transferring apprenticeship funds (April 2018) = but still some confusion over 10% employer contribution. No new starts for grade 4 providers. For existing apprentices employers will be given a choice to remain with provider or move the learners T-Levels – only one ITP involved in work placement pilots From April 2018, if you pay the apprenticeship levy you will be able to transfer 10% of your apprenticeship funds to other providers/employers to pay for their apprenticeship training and assessment.   All of the information about transfers is now on a new web page (link in above slide), which will be updated as more detail becomes available

4 Funding/Policy Updates
New Subcontracting rules from January 2018 DfE T-level consultations – AELP response Document IfA Occupational Map consultations Baker Clause - Schools obliged to let providers talk to pupils from January 2018 Careers Strategy – launched December 2017 Industrial Strategy – white paper published November 2017

5 Slide from FE Week webinar with Keith Smith and Anne Milton

6 ‘The Insider’ New and improved ‘bi-monthly’ digest
Replaces Sector Connect Each edition will focus on a key theme – chosen following feedback from our members AELP Patrons will be leading on content Advertorial opportunities unchanged – a low cost, high impact way to promote your products, services and events

7 Sector Headlines AELP has launched a new essential facts-and-figures service for members called Sector Headlines. Monthly updates will have key statistics and trends all in one place. Over 20 government data sets are used to compile Sector Headlines, with topics including apprenticeships starts, new Standards published, unemployment, adult participation and much more

8 AELP Events Programme 2018-19
Future Apprenticeships Support Programme – not being funded by DfE after March 2018 AELP new programme of support launched at Spring Conference Covers next 6 months and includes workshops, webinars and conferences Discounts for AELP members Programme will continue to be developed based on feedback from members and partners All providers encouraged to feed in ideas for further improvement at

9 AELP Events Programme 2018-19
Series includes: MIS ILR Intermediate ILR Advanced Regional ILR Events Funding Assurance Intermediate Funding Assurance Advanced Regional Funding Assurance Events Inspection Inspection of Standards Teaching & Learning Safeguarding & British Values Nominee Training Self-Assessment Training Data in Inspection Governance for Inspection Funding Rules Apprenticeship Funding Rules Off the job training Subcontracting rules Employer/provider specific support

10 AELP Events Programme 2018-19
Series includes (continued): Maths & English New Functional Skills Curriculum Maths and English Practitioners / Managers EPA Preparing for EPA (Providers) Selecting and EPAO (Providers) Training for EPA (Assessors) Assessor conferences with EPAOs Other Apprenticeships capacity building GDPR New Provider Workshops Digital Skills Technology in FE

11 Future Apprenticeships Support
Programme Webinars and workshops still available until the end of March – visit Please make use of the Future Apprenticeships Toolkit!

12 Higher and Degree Apprenticeships
Seminar Higher and Degree Apprenticeships Developing Effective HEI, FEC and ITP Delivery Partnerships  The aim of this seminar being held on 11 April in Birmingham is to inspire providers planning to deliver Higher and Degree Apprenticeships to think differently about how they can work effectively and collaboratively with different delivery partners. The event will include 'short sharp' key notes highlighting cutting edge innovative approaches plus workshops covering quality assurance in Higher Education, partnership working, skills strategy (employer engagement) and voice of the employer / apprentice. Click the link above to register your interest!

13 Technology Conferences
An in-depth understanding of available technology and digital solutions A clear view on the elements of their business and delivery model that could benefit most from new technologies An improved ability to develop a clear road map to become more effective and improve standards A ready-made network of expert technology providers Access to a range of AELP support services and networks These Conferences will take place on the following dates: Tuesday, 20 March etc. venues, Manchester Thursday, 29 March Conference Aston, Aston University, Birmingham Monday, 23 July Ashton Gate Stadium, Bristol Tuesday, 25 September CEME Conference Centre, Rainham Visit the AELP Website for more information and booking

14 Questions

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