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Published byScot Owens Modified over 6 years ago
Angular Momentum STM-Image Cs atoms on GaAs surface (NIST)
W. Udo Schröder, 2004
Motion of N-Body System
Separation of overall (center-of-mass “com”) and intrinsic motion: z x y Associated momenta omitted com = particle at with total mass M=S mi, total momentum plane wave, wave packet,… Intrinsic motion: Superposition of normal modes Vibrations and associated momenta Angular Momentum Rotations W. Udo Schröder, 2004
Rotational Motion: Angular Momentum
z f m2 q Separate rotational from other dof: rigid rotor No external potential for rot motion: Uqf =0 Angles q, f describe spatial orientation of rotator (dumbbell) Recap: circular motion around z-axis found op Lz and: Lz quantized m Angular Momentum Generalize from z-component to total Different for different axes! must also be quantized W. Udo Schröder, 2004
Rotational Motion: Polar Coordinates
z f m2 q Polar coordinates appropriate for rotational motion about an axis. Transformation: Rigid rotation: r = const. z x y q f Angular Momentum Similar for y, z W. Udo Schröder, 2004
Component Representation of Angular Momentum
z f m2 q Are all L components simultaneously measurable? z x y q f No, any two are incommensurable Angular Momentum Obviously L2 and 1 component (Lz) commensurable W. Udo Schröder, 2004
Instant Problem: Calculate Commutator [L2,Lz]
Given and Angular Momentum W. Udo Schröder, 2004
Angular Momentum Eigen Value Equation
only L2 and Lz sharp, look for simultaneous eigen functions Y(q,f) L r R m1 z f m2 q Separate system variables q, f solves Schrödinger Equ. Angular Momentum divide by eimf W. Udo Schröder, 2004
Angular Momentum Eigen Value Equation
z f m2 q Variable transform Legendre’s Equation Simplest case: m = 0 (L perp to z-axis) Angular Momentum Trial: Power series expansion W. Udo Schröder, 2004
Solving DEqu. with Power Series
m1 z f m2 q Case: m = 0 (L perp to z-axis), trial: Angular Momentum W. Udo Schröder, 2004
Asymptotic Boundary Condition
L r R m1 z f m2 q Case: m = 0 (L perp to z-axis), trial: Parity conservation: PL has either only even powers of x or only odd Angular Momentum If highest order is n=0 (p =+1) a0 ≠0. If highest order is n=1 (p = -1) a1 ≠0. W. Udo Schröder, 2004
Quantization of Angular Momentum
If highest order of x in power series for PL is n>1: Recursion relations for an: Even n for even p, odd n for odd p Recursion relation must stop at a certain n=L (L = 0,1,2,..) for PL Require Similar to E0 and E1 already found Angular Momentum Discrete rotational energy eigen values Quantization of orbital angular momentum W. Udo Schröder, 2004
Legendre Polynomials Quantization of angular momentum x:=cosq
Polynomial of finite order L x:=cosq orthogonal basis set Angular Momentum Even L even functions PL Odd L odd functions PL W. Udo Schröder, 2004
Angular Momentum Eigen Functions
z f m2 q General case: m ≠ 0 Legendre’s Equation Solutions depend on m2 or |m| DEq. solved (check by inserting) by “associated Legendre Polynomials” Angular Momentum Total (normalized) wave function of rigid rotor: “Spherical Harmonics” W. Udo Schröder, 2004
Angular Momentum Eigen Value Spectrum
z f m2 q Quantization Energy eigen values Energy does not depend on orientation (mL) relative to z-axis (“quantization axis”) Parity DL = 2L+1 (-L ≤ mL ≤ +L) Degeneracy DL L=5- (11) Spectroscopy: Electric dipole (E1) transitions between rot levels “selection rules” L=4+ (9) Angular Momentum Electric dipole (E1) radiation emitted only, if molecule has a permanent electric dipole moment L=3- (7) L=2+ (5) L=1- (3) L=0+ (1) W. Udo Schröder, 2004
Rotational Energy Level Scheme
Convention (11) Diatomic molecules: microwave (9) Transitions J+1J, energies hn or wave numbers.. (7) (5) (3) Rotational Absorption Spectrum HCl Angular Momentum Ch. Gerthsen et al., 1963 W. Udo Schröder, 2004
Instant Problem: Deduce HCl Bond Length
z f m2 q Rotational Absorption Spectrum HCl Angular Momentum W. Udo Schröder, 2004
Legendre Polynomials: Polar Plots
q Angular Momentum Different L: out of phase except 00. Polar plot sign sensitive |PL| W. Udo Schröder, 2004
Orthogonality of Legendre Polynomials
Larger L for PL smaller wave length l larger momenta p larger angular momenta L. Angular Momentum Different L: out of phase. Overlap=antisymmetric q integral in polar coordinate system W. Udo Schröder, 2004
Angular-momentum eigen functions form basis for all angular functions
Spherical Harmonics Stationary wave functions of rigid rotor for fixed L, fixed m Orthonormality Angular-momentum eigen functions form basis for all angular functions Angular Momentum Arbitrary function W. Udo Schröder, 2004
Angular Wave Packets Stationary WF (sharp L, m) : extended in q,f. Wave packets (LC over L,m): localized in q,f. Angular Momentum W. Udo Schröder, 2004
Legendre Polynomials P1|m|
Plot PLm=0 z x y q f Angular Momentum W. Udo Schröder, 2004
Spherical Harmonics P1|m|cos (mf)
Plot Re YLm z x y q f Angular Momentum W. Udo Schröder, 2004
Legendre Polynomials P2|m|
Angular Momentum W. Udo Schröder, 2004
Spherical Harmonics P2|m|cos(mf)
Angular Momentum W. Udo Schröder, 2004
Angular Momentum Orientation
Schrödinger Equ. solved by L r R m1 z f m2 a Quantization of angular momentum z a L=4 +1 +2 +3 +4 m -1 -2 -3 -4 Since Angular Momentum Angular momentum L can never be perfectly aligned with any direction Normally, rotor has arbitrary spatial orientation Meaning of quantization axis? How to align ? W. Udo Schröder, 2004
Magnetic Interactions: Zeeman Effect
Energy in homogeneous B-field || z axis Bohr magneton mB: Gyro-magnetic (Landé) g-factor: (e-) gL = -1 z L and m cannot completely align with B field Perpendicular component produces torque on L Angular Momentum y Angular momentum precesses on a cone around B field (because always ) x W. Udo Schröder, 2004
Magnetic Interactions: Zeeman Effect
Energy in homogeneous B-field || z axis Gyro-magnetic (Landé) g-factor: (e-) gL = -1 Magnetic splitting of energy levels in Bz L=0 L=1 n +1 -1 mL B≠0 breaks spatial symmetry, z||B is preferred (natural) for simplest description of system: degeneracy of energy levels is lifted splitting of levels and spectroscopic lines. For e-: mL > 0 higher energy Angular Momentum W. Udo Schröder, 2004
Electronic m: The Einstein-deHaas Experiment
Conjecture: magnetism due to electronic ring currents e me A Current loop Measure m/L NO! Torsion Wire Laser Mirror Lini=0 Lfin=0 Angular Momentum e- Fe rod Scale Angular Momentum Battery Capacitor Fe Rod W. Udo Schröder, 2004
Conclusions on Electronic Spin and m
Modern Einstein-deHaas experiment setup PAS: U NM Conclusions: m and mechanical angular momentum related Measured ang. mom. of Fe rod not due to orbital L of e- e- have intrinsic spin S = mechanical ang. mom. about e- “axis.” e- have spin magnetic moment ms || S Angular Momentum Spin = intrinsic mechanical angular momentum (rotation), but Re = 0 (?) W. Udo Schröder, 2004
Measuring Electronic Spin
Stern and Gerlach (1922): Splitting of a Ag beam in inhomogeneous B. Inh. B field exerts force on e- magnetic dipole Ag (e-) s1/2 Magnet B Oven Angular Momentum Ag atom: outer s1/2 electron. Experiment: 2 orientations of e- spin/dipole 2S+1= S = 1/2. Prof. Gerlach’s postcard with the announcement to Bohr in Copenhagen. W. Udo Schröder, 2004
Spin Quantization z z Quantization of spin angular momentum
ms= +1/2 Quantization of spin angular momentum Precise structure/coordinates of spin ?? assume similar to z ms= -1/2 Angular Momentum Spin=1/2 particles : Spin=1 particles : (Fermions) e-, e+, n, p, n,.. (Bosons)photons, pions,…. W. Udo Schröder, 2004
Enough spinning for today--
But: We'll be back! Angular Momentum W. Udo Schröder, 2004
Force in inhomogeneous B-field || z axis
Angular Momentum W. Udo Schröder, 2004
Magnetic Dipole Moments
Moving charge e current density j vector potential A, influences particles at via magnetic field =0 Angular Momentum current loop: mLoop = j x A= current x Area W. Udo Schröder, 2004
End of Section Angular Momentum W. Udo Schröder, 2004
Particle Reflection and Transmission at Potential Step
Total energy E=K(x)+U(x)=const E >0 unbound, free particle Piece-wise constant potential step: x U,E U(x)>0 E K 1 2 Continuous wf matching at U discontinuities Transmitted matching point x Reflected Incoming 1 2 General solution: construct from p-EFs Angular Momentum Effects of potential step (not surprising): > Partial reflection of incoming wave B1 ≠ 0 > Slows transmitted wave > No reflection right of step (X>0): B2 =0 W. Udo Schröder, 2004
Drawing Elements z a L r R z f q L=4 a L r R z f L r R z f q L r R z f
+1 +2 +3 +4 m -1 -2 -3 -4 a L r R m1 z f m2 L r R m1 z f m2 q L r R m1 z f m2 z x y L r R f m z Angular Momentum W. Udo Schröder, 2004
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