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Getting the Visibility You Need From Your Oracle JD Edwards Data

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1 Getting the Visibility You Need From Your Oracle JD Edwards Data
Session ID#: #JDE How can I see the stuff I need…. Prepared by: FCB Name: Frank Bunker & Jennifer Spitz Title: VP Technology Company: Silvon Software Intro slide Thanks for being here My name is Frank Bunker…. I’m here with Jennifer Spitz Have been working with JDE customers and BI in general for a long time - coming up on gulp - 30 years From back in the early AS/400 days through today Today I'll try and share some of our experiences and thoughts on the challenges and successes we've seen working with businesses to gain visibility into information collected from JDE and other sources

2 Why are we here…. Who is Silvon?
Challenges we’ve seen in our 25 plus years of working with JDE customers and their operational data Demo Q & A Why are we here Learn about our experiences working with JDE customers Show you how business users can take advantage of what we do Answer questions

3 Offices in U.S., Europe & Australia
Specialist in helping companies improve their operational-level visibility and planning 25+ years of experience Offices in U.S., Europe & Australia Domain expertise in manufacturing & distribution Detailed data available near real time Scalability and practicality JDE experience and integration components JDE is one our most common sources of information We have predefined maps And most important experienced folks Working out of our Chicago office Implementation, Support, Dev It’s our Team – not a partner

4 We’ve been at this for a while … Silvon through the years …
History Slide As I mentioned been at this awhile Started with a green screen AS/400 based solution Evolved to a Client Server solution and then added our first Analytical Apps Moved to the Web and browser based access This was the start of our FID strategy Evolved the applications to include data from around the enterprise Also added Planning and Forecasting Dashboarding Mobile

5 Challenges to Gaining the Visibility You Need
Business tells you want the want now… Not what they want 1 year from now Evolving business and marketplace Channels, products, acquisitions Users are maturing (with regard to BI!) What did this customer buy? Evolves into: What can I do to better forecast this customer’s demand What is this customer’s product mix and how can I up sell / cross sell Challenges Business tells you what they want BI is not like an erp implementation ERP - it's a process generating transactions Once you can take and ship an order it's good Bi evolves What we need today may change by tomorrow Market places change and evolve Users - maturing? Ok at least with regard to BI and taking better advantage of information Good example is sales information in Stratum A great place to start - but as time goes on this may be the right info to start building a better sales plan with - open it up for collaboration.

6 Challenges to Gaining the Visibility You Need
ERP is most often the main source of information Other sources (good and bad…) need to be considered Information needs to be displayed in context Across sources Across enterprise areas (Sales, Inventory, Purchasing, Mfg, Fin, etc.) BI is not an ERP project Instead of a fixed end point, it’s an evolution Back to evolving business, marketplace and users Users need to access timely, detailed information everyday Across the enterprise (Sales, Inventory, Purchasing, Mfg, Fin, etc.) ERP Main Source Although ERP is main source - others are required Other sources Excel, POS (files - yuck, 852s) Nielsen other ERPs due to acquisition Need to see this info in context Sales and Inv, or Sales/budgets Customers Sell in and POS/sell thru Inv with OO, Forecast, WIP, WO and/or Pos Its not an ERP project This is an evolution Must change the mindset of both users and project community to think this way Strat small - get value to users Begin the journey Have a roadmap Know it will change Information sources Info areas New delivery options

7 Challenges to Gaining the Visibility You Need
Users need to access this information without IT in the middle But with control Security Consistency Want users to create, manage and own the reporting and analysis Increase adoption and reduce IT resource requirements Users need to access… Different data has different time attributes Sales, POS and budgets - all related but diff time Dashboards and visualizations are good at a high level KPIs For both may need to get to the detail to get actionable Users need access to this info without … Can't ignore security and control Vetted core data is important to maintain a SVT Consistency In quality In definition In availability Users have to be able to not only use reports Create Manage them Not all users, but the user community

8 Challenges to Gaining the Visibility You Need – from JDE
Lots of good data How to get it, systematically and consistently Where to put it How to manage change Territory realignments New classifications and roll ups Some unique and flexible structures and architectures JDE data base eg. UDC, Customer Address book, dates Need to see JDE information in context with non-JDE info

9 What we’ve seen Deliver what is requested
But not exactly what is needed No SVT (Single Version of the Truth) Different numbers representing the ‘same’ thing Requests for change take too long Complexity and IT backlog Analysis is still owned by IT Lack of adoption No Roadmap When we first get to working with a company Probably been a project that’s happened but…. No SVT – point project – not open to everyone or separate silos for different groups All that leads to a lack of Adoption Long term – no roadmap now that we have sales data, how should we collect purchasing data?

10 What we’ve seen – What you need for Successful BI
An integrated and optimized repository Brings information together from: Different parts of the organization (sales, inventory, finance, mfg, etc.) Multiple sources (JDE, other ERPs, Excel, POS, distributors) Provides SVT Adoption Allows users easy access to information the way they need it Organized - no data base knowledge required Time selection is flexible and easy (based, ranges, by column, fiscal, calendar) Right delivery for business need and user Good and timely info Integrated Repository This provides the SVT/consistent source of info Regardless of access method Open – allows access to consistent info thru many different methods and tools Adoption Key issue doesn’t have to be the application – but the information We can push or provide data in functions they use today – , excel

11 What we’ve seen – What you need for Successful BI
An approach that allows users to be successful without relying on IT Use, own, manage and create the analysis and reports Business nomenclature, easy time, and easy drill and filter Sharing and Distribution of information - simple and easy A partner and product that can help you build a roadmap How to best use information to drive your business Provide a starting point and infrastructure to build on Support you as your BI grows and expands Best when users own the delivery May not start this way – culture – but moving in this direction is important for adoption When they are the experts – they’ll use it and encourage others to use it Silvon wants to be a long term partner as we are with most of our customers Our team develops, supports and sells our solutions Long term knowledge that you can take advantage of

12 At a high level Silvon provides what you need to be successful
The Business model with predefined apps – it’s the Roadmap Extensible and flexible – not fixed Start small and evolve as the business and needs evolve Get value to the user ASAP FID provides multiple ways to expose and use the information in Stratum Open/Non proprietary storage provides maximum flexibility Stratum Business Model with pre-defined Analytical Apps coupled with our Flexible Information Delivery strategy

13 See how Silvon can help you gain greater visibility to your Oracle JD Edwards Data
Visit us at Booth #212 Now for a quick demo, followed by questions.


15 Please complete the session evaluation We appreciate your feedback and insight Session ID# JDE

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