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Killing the Fermi surface: Some ideas on the strange metal, Fermi arcs and other phenomena T. Senthil (MIT) TS, ``Critical fermi surfaces and non-fermi.

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Presentation on theme: "Killing the Fermi surface: Some ideas on the strange metal, Fermi arcs and other phenomena T. Senthil (MIT) TS, ``Critical fermi surfaces and non-fermi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Killing the Fermi surface: Some ideas on the strange metal, Fermi arcs and other phenomena
T. Senthil (MIT) TS, ``Critical fermi surfaces and non-fermi liquid metals”, Phys Rev B, June 08

2 Some puzzles in the cuprates: finite-T phenomena
x dSc Pseudo gap AF Mott insulator Strange metal Fermi liquid

3 A point of view

4 This talk



7 Fermi surface of ``underlying normal” ground state??

8 Simple observations


10 Other phase transitions where entire Fermi surfaces might disappear

11 How might a Fermi surface disappear?

12 Electronic structure at criticality: ``Critical Fermi surface”

13 Why a critical Fermi surface?

14 Evolution of single particle gap

15 Why a critical Fermi surface? Evolution of momentum distribution

16 Killing a Fermi surface

17 Some obvious consequences/questions

18 Scaling phenomenology at a quantum critical point with a
critical Fermi surface?

19 Critical Fermi surface: scaling for single particle physics

20 New possibility: angle dependent exponents

21 Leaving the critical point

22 Approach from the Fermi liquid

23 Critical 2Kf surface

24 Implications of angle dependent exponents

25 Finite T crossovers

26 Application to proposed hiTc critical point

27 Crossovers near proposed hiTc critical point

28 Transport scaling

29 Summary Strange metal in cuprates: associate with quantum critical point where the entire large Fermi surface disappears. Concept of critical fermi surface to describe such a quantum critical point - unusual scaling phenomenology. Scaling hypotheses for various quantities Possibility of angle dependent exponents with interesting consequences (eg: metals with T-dependent Fermi arcs at intermediate temperature)


31 Possible evolutions of Fermi surface with doping at T = 0

32 dHvA in CeRhIn5CeRhIn5 H. Shishido, R. Settai, H. Harima, & Y. Onuki, JPSJ 74, 1103 (2005)


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