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Nuclear Physics Lectures

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1 Nuclear Physics Lectures
Cross Sections Definition of Cross Section Why its useful. Breit-Wigner Resonances Rutherford Scattering Outline Experimental definition of cross section Theory of how to calculate cross sections: QM  BW line shape. Fermi Golden rule  recipe to calculate cross section BW cross section formula QM Rutherford Scattering Cross section calculation Tony Weidberg Nuclear Physics Lectures

2 Nuclear Physics Lectures
Cross-Sections Why concept is important Learn about dynamics of interaction and/or constituents (cf Feynman’s watches). Needed for practical calculations. Experimental Definition How to calculate s Fermi Golden Rule Breit-Wigner Resonances QM calculation of Rutherford Scattering Tony Weidberg Nuclear Physics Lectures

3 Nuclear Physics Lectures
Definition of s a+bx Effective area for reaction to occur is s Na(0) particles type a/unit time hit target b Nb atoms b/unit volume Number /unit area= Nb dx Probability interaction = s Nbdx dNa=-Na Nb dx s Na(x)=Na(0) exp(-x/l) ; l=1/(Nb s) Beam a Na dx Tony Weidberg Nuclear Physics Lectures

4 Nuclear Physics Lectures
Reaction Rates Na beam particles/unit volume, speed v Flux F= Na v Rate/target b atom R=Fs Thin target x<<l: R=(NbT) F sTotal This is total cross section. Can also define differential cross sections, as a function of reaction product, energy, transverse momentum, angle etc. dR(a+bc+d)/dE=(NbT) F ds(a+bc+d) /dE Tony Weidberg Nuclear Physics Lectures

5 Breit-Wigner Line Shape
Start with NR Schrödinger equation: X by f*n and integrate Start in state m  exponential decay Tony Weidberg Nuclear Physics Lectures

6 Breit-Wigner Line Shape - 2
For Tony Weidberg Nuclear Physics Lectures

7 Breit-Wigner Line Shape -3
Normalised Breit-Wigner line shape Q: where have you seen this shape before? We will see this many times in NP and PP. Tony Weidberg Nuclear Physics Lectures

8 Breit-Wigner Resonance
Important in atomic, nuclear and particle physics. Uncertainty relationship Determine lifetimes of states from width. , G=FWHM; Tony Weidberg Nuclear Physics Lectures

9 Nuclear Physics Lectures
Fermi Golden Rule Want to be able to calculate reaction rates in terms of matrix elements of H. Warning: We will use this many times to calculate s but derivation not required for exams, given here for completeness. Tony Weidberg Nuclear Physics Lectures

10 Nuclear Physics Lectures
Discrete  Continuum Decays to a channel i (range of states n). Density of states ni(E). Assume narrow resonance Tony Weidberg Nuclear Physics Lectures

11 Nuclear Physics Lectures
Cross Section Breit Wigner cross section. Definition of s and flux F: Tony Weidberg Nuclear Physics Lectures

12 Breit-Wigner Cross Section
Combine rate, flux & density states  Tony Weidberg Nuclear Physics Lectures

13 Breit-Wigner Cross Section
n + 16O 17O Tony Weidberg Nuclear Physics Lectures

14 Nuclear Physics Lectures
Low Energy Resonances n + Cd total cross section. Cross section scales s ~ 1/E1/2 at low E. B-W: 1/k2 and G~n(E)~k Tony Weidberg Nuclear Physics Lectures

15 Rutherford Scattering 1
Tony Weidberg Nuclear Physics Lectures

16 Rutherford Scattering 2
Tony Weidberg Nuclear Physics Lectures

17 Rutherford Scattering 3
Fermi Golden Rule: Tony Weidberg Nuclear Physics Lectures

18 Rutherford Scattering 4
pf pi Compare with experimental data at low energy Q: what changes at high energy ? Tony Weidberg Nuclear Physics Lectures

19 Nuclear Physics Lectures
Low Energy Experiment Scattering of a on Au & Ag  agree with calculation assuming point nucleus dN/dcosq Sin4(q/2) Tony Weidberg Nuclear Physics Lectures

20 Nuclear Physics Lectures
Higher Energy Electron - Gold Deviation from Rutherford scattering at higher energy  determine charge distribution in the nucleus. Form factors is F.T. of charge distribution. Tony Weidberg Nuclear Physics Lectures

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