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Managing Bed Capacity in Florida’s Forensic System of Care

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1 Managing Bed Capacity in Florida’s Forensic System of Care
National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors October 3, 2016 Wendy Scott, Director, Mental Health Treatment Facilities Bob Quam, Chief Hospital Administrator, Mental Health Treatment Facilities

2 Objectives Program Overview Forensic Trends Priority of Effort-to Date
Priority of Effort-Next Steps

3 Program Overview

4 Department of Children and Families Mental Health Facilities
Northeast Florida State Hospital Legend Secure Forensic Facilities Florida State Hospital-Forensic North Evaluation and Treatment Center Civil Facilities Florida State Hospital-Civil West Florida Community Care Center (Lakeview Center) Florida Civil Commitment Center at DeSoto CI (CorrectCare RS) Treasure Coast Forensic Treatment Center At Martin CI (Correct Care RS) Department of Children and Families Mental Health Facilities South Florida State Hospital (Correct Care RS) South Florida Evaluation and Treatment Center (Correct Care RS)

5 Statewide Forensic Capacity
TYPE OF BEDS TOTALS Secure Forensic 1160 (1013-Male, 167 Female) Forensic Step-Downs 455 Total Forensic Beds 1615

6 Forensic Commitment Process
1) Charged with Felony 3) Court Determines Criteria Met for Involuntary Placement 4) Court Commits to Department of Children and Families 2) Court Deems ITP or NGI Based on Evaluation 6) Services Provided in Mental Health Treatment Facility Until No Longer Meets Commitment Criteria 5) Admission Scheduled to Mental Health Treatment Facility 7) Facility Recommends Release 8) Court Approves/Disapproves Release from Commitment

7 Criteria for Forensic Commitment (Chapter 916, F.S.)
Charged with a Felony Offense. Incompetent to Proceed (ITP) or Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity (NGI). Danger to Self or Others due to Mental Illness. Less Restrictive Alternatives Inappropriate. At Least 18 Years of Age (or a juvenile adjudicated as an adult). Criteria for Forensic Commitment (Chapter 916, F.S.)

8 Forensic Admissions to State Mental Health Treatment Facility
Court Ordered for Placement Referral Packet to Mental Health Program Office. Admission Scheduled (statutory requirement to admit within 15 days) Recovery Needs Assessed and Services Provided. Recommended for Release when No Longer Meet Commitment Criteria.

9 Services Provided at SMHTFs
Basic Support Services Healthcare Services Psychiatric Treatment and Rehabilitation Enrichment Services Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Continuity of Care Services Competency Restoration Training and Evaluation

10 ITPs NGIs Forensic Discharges
Majority Discharged Back to Jail as Competent to Proceed Stepped-down to a Civil Facility pursuant to Chapter 394, F.S.  Rubio: Adjudicated competent to proceed & court-ordered to remain at a mental health treatment facility to maintain competency.  If Non-Restorable, charges dropped or conditionally release to the community. NGIs Returned to the Community on a Conditional Release. Stepped-down to a Civil Facility pursuant to Chapter 394, F.S.

11 Managing Entities Divert individuals who do not need to reside in the most restrictive settings. Assist facilities with discharges and/or conditional release planning. Monitor and serve individuals in the community and ensure adherence to conditional release plans.

12 Managing Entities by Region
Lutheran Services Florida Big Bend Community Base Care Central Florida Cares Health System Southeast Florida Behavioral Health Network Broward Behavioral Health Coalition Central Florida Behavioral Health Network, Inc. South Florida Behavioral Health Network Inc.

13 Forensic Trends

14 Forensic Commitment Appropriations
*Budget amounts for FYS , and have been revised to exclude a program appropriation discrepancy that belonged to the Sexual Predator Program.

15 Forensic Commitments and Designated Bed Capacity

16 Forensic-ITP Admissions & Discharges

17 Forensic-NGI Admissions & Discharges

18 *Forensic-Rubio Admissions & Discharges
Rubio Definition: Individuals adjudicated competent to proceed who are court-ordered to remain at a mental health treatment facility to maintain competency pending trial.  *Rubios—Individuals adjudicated competent to proceed who are court-ordered to remain at a mental health treatment facility to maintain competency pending trial. 

19 Forensic Challenges Independent Community Evaluators Court Delays
Rubio Commitments Lack of Community Resources Decreased Funding

20 Priority of Effort to Date

21 Priority of Effort-Process
Develop Action Plans to Achieve Priority Goals Implement Action Steps & Update Action Plans Review Progress Toward Priority Goals (Monthly) Identify Additional Actions Needed to Achieve Priority Goals Do Plan Act Check

22 Forensic Waiting List Grows

23 Priority of Effort to Reduce the Forensic Wait List
The Department, Managing Entities and Network Service Providers have coordinated efforts to achieve the following objectives: Goal 1: Increasing forensic community discharges and diversions. Goal 2: Reducing days to trial competency. Goal 3: Reducing days to pick up for individuals restored to trial competency.

24 Goal 1: Increase Forensic Community Discharges & Diversions
Regions developed action plans to decrease commitments, increase diversions and increase discharges Revised Seeking Placement List/Process Established Monthly Continuity of Care Calls Expanded Community Capacity

25 *Conditional Releases (CRs) from MHTFs for FY 15/16
*Trend data not available for Conditional Release due to changes in data reporting/collection process.

26 Goal 2: Reduce Days to Trial Competency
Established New Internal Performance Targets Modified Training Curriculum for Evaluators Implemented “Hotlist” Process Legislation Requiring Continuation of Medications Legislation Authorizing Decreased Timeframe for Dismissal of Charges.

27 *Average Days to Restore Competency
*Average Days to Restore is calculated using a trimmed mean, with the top & bottom 5% excluded.

28 Goal 3: Reduce Days to Pickup
Conduct Semi-Weekly Return to Court Calls with Regional Counsel. Legislation Requiring 30 Days to Pickup. Provided Assistance to Regions with Average Pickup Days Exceeding 30 Days.

29 Average Pick Up Days

30 Additional Efforts to Reduce Forensic Waitlist
$2.6 million including 43 FTEs for forensic bed expansion of 25 secure beds at Florida State Hospital. $1.2 million for forensic bed expansion of 11 secure beds at South Florida Evaluation and Treatment Center.

31 Priority of Effort to Reduce the Forensic Wait List

32 Priority of Effort Next Steps

33 Priority of Effort to Improve the Quality and Performance of State Mental Health Treatment Facilities A strategic plan has been developed and will be deployed over the next four years, with primary objectives to: Goal 1: Improving Clinical Oversight Goal 2: Expanding Active Treatment Goal 3: Reforming Forensic Services Goal 4: Improve and Align Infrastructure to Serve Special Populations

34 Reform Forensic Services
Establish New Internal Days to Restore Competency Target Introduce New Staffing Models Expand Treatment: Increasing Court Education Services Implement a Relapse Prevention Program Implement Illness Management and Recovery Program Treat Individuals with Non-Violent Offenses in the Community

35 Legislative Budget Requests
Funding has been requested for the following in State Fiscal Year 2017/2018 to accomplish identified priority goals:  Additional Facility Positions Improve and Expand Programming Community Forensic Multidisciplinary Teams

36 Discussion: Questions/Suggestions


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