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Eschatology, a Broad Perspective

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Presentation on theme: "Eschatology, a Broad Perspective"— Presentation transcript:

1 Eschatology, a Broad Perspective
From Genesis to Revelation 7/24/16

2 Our Considerations The Northern Invasion: Ezek 38-39
Conditions at the Time of the End: Matt 24-25, Mk 13, Lk 21 The Great Apostasy: II Thess 2, II Tim 3, II Pet 3 The Rapture of the Church: I Cor 15, I Thess 4, Rev 4:1 Christ with His Church in the Parable of the Wedding Feast The Book of Revelation

3 When will the end come?

4 The Great Apostasy II Thess 2:1-17 II Tim 3:1-9 II Peter 3:1-7 Jude

5 But first…..a little Greek
apostasía (from aphístēmi, "leave, depart," which is derived from apó, "away from" and histémi, "stand") – properly, departure (implying desertion); apostasy – literally, "a leaving, from a previous standing.“ Found in the New Testament in – Acts 21:21 and 2 Thessalonians 2:3 11/24/2018

6 Now to II Thess 2… [Reading the text] Note that:
False teachers had led them to believe the end had come and they were left behind They had feared for their salvation thinking that the Day of the Lord had come We are not to be quickly shaken in composure by the coming of the last days, but aware of the facts and not the rumors Paul then goes on to describe certain end times conditions… The term Day of the Lord is used in scripture in various contexts to designate a time of God’s coming upon a nation such as Israel or the whole word as in this case in powerful judgments and destruction. 11/24/2018

7 II Thess 2 con’t Two things must precede the end The Great Apostasy
The coming of the man of lawlessness Global, as the Gospel will be proclaimed globally Churches and supposed believers will become apostate as the Lord allows Satan to exercise more authority over the human family First, it will include a global apostasy from the gospel as it is being globally proclaimed. Included will be rejection and indifference to the gospel message and rejection of natural law with its claims on the design of marriage, the protection of life, the elimination of violence, and recognition of the existence and power of God. Included in this phenomenon will be persecution of true believers globally. Second, it will include apostasy on the part of supposed believers from the gospel and the church. The churches themselves will become more and more apostate as the Lord allows Satan to exercise an increasing measure of authority over the human family. 11/24/2018

8 II Thess 2 con’t The Man of Lawlessness, the Son of Perdition
Once God removes His restraining power, Satan will use this man to deceive Those who buy into the deception and reject truth will be rejected by God But for those who believe, they are: Loved by the Lord Chosen from the beginning for salvation Sanctified by the Holy Spirit and faith in the truth Called through the gospel to gain the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ Admonished to stand firm, hold to what you have been taught Comforted by the Lord with an eternal comfort and good hope by grace Note: Rejection of the truth of the gospel personally or as a cultural community brings the punishment of being turned over to deception. If you do not want God He may turn you over to destruction and belief in every kind of lie. This is happening in Western culture now and will happen on a global level at the time of the end. 11/24/2018

9 II Tim 3:1-9 [Reading the text]
The last days will bring difficult times Paul lists a long series of characteristics of these last days Just as the two magicians in Pharaoh’s court were well learned, but never knew the truth In one sense this has been true through all of the church age because of human nature. They will be particularly true during the final period of the last days as the extremity of their expression expands in the world. 11/24/2018

10 II Peter 3:1-7 [Reading the text]
Mockers affirm that everything is as it has always been, and that talk of Christ’s return and judgment is nonsense. They reject and set aside God sending destruction Deny that God judged the earth during the flood of Noah Modern day evolution says that matter is either eternal or governed by unchanging laws that allow the system to go on in an endless meaningless sequence Death is real but judgment is not There will be no second coming and no final judgment 11/24/2018

11 Jude Perfectly placed in the Canon
Acts ushers in the Church dispensation Jude closes this dispensation, ushering in the end times Review of the history of the ungodly But encourages the believers Build yourselves up on your most holy faith, pray in the Holy Spirit Stay in the love of God Have mercy on those who are doubting Save others by sharing the Gospel 11/24/2018

12 Key Takeaways The Great Apostasy is yet to fully come
Dispelling the false notion that this apostasy was already fulfilled by: The Catholic Church (as Luther and others asserted) or All those who name the name of Christ prior to Joseph Smith in 1820 No one knows the hour or the day, Matt 24:36 Many will abandon their faith Those who remain faithful will know salvation 11/24/2018

13 The Next Several Weeks Jul 24 The Great Apostasy Jon Jul 31 The Rapture of the Church Jim Aug 7 Christ with His Church in the Parable of the Wedding Feast Chris Aug 14 TBD Aug 21 TBD Aug 28 TBD And then begins the Revelation of John

14 See you NEXT week!

15 11/24/2018

16 When will the end come?

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