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Castleton fieldwork- Human

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1 Castleton fieldwork- Human
Data Collection Methods- Primary data collected was a questionnaire. It is qualitative as one of the questions we asked people’s opinions. Land use survey base map. We walked around the village and recorded onto the map what the building was used for. Secondary data collected is population figures Hypothesis/aims/title- Castleton’s population has increased as a result of its’ primary economic function as a tourist honeypot village. Data Processing- Primary data of questionnaires was collated (grouped together) to give us an overall result. Also collating the land use map with others to make sure mistakes were not made out in the field Location- Castleton a small village in the East Midlands within the Peak District National Park about 30Kms from Sheffield. It is a rural area. Conclusion- The hypothesis for the investigation was “Castleton’s population has increased as a result of its’ primary economic function as a tourist honeypot village”. The hypothesis is false. The population has actually gone down (decreased) People could be moving out looking for work in large urban areas. Or they may have had to move out because house prices are just too expensive. Risk Assessment- Main Hazard was the main road. Minimise the risk by crossing the road carefully and walking on the side of the road that has the pavement. Sensible clothing and shoes as weather can be unpredictable in the Peak District Data presentation- Producing a Choropleth map of land use of the village. Bar graph to show results for questionnaire. Sampling strategies- Opportunistic as we can only ask the people who are there. Evaluation This is all about improving the fieldwork if we did it again. Collecting more data to get more reliable results. Going at a different time of the year as winter meant that there were less people to ask. Compare 2 different villages to see if this happens in other villages or just in Castleton. This is the basic information needed to answer the questions on the other sheet.

2 State the title of your human fieldwork.
Castleton’s population has increased as a result of its’ primary economic function as a tourist honeypot village. To what extent was the data collected in your human fieldwork useful to your original aim? Primary data collected was a questionnaire. It is qualitative as for one of the questions we ask people’s opinions. It was useful as we were able to identify whether the people we asked were tourists or residents. Secondary data collected is population figures Collection of the data helps us investigate our hypothesis to help us accept or reject it. So this is why collecting data is important. The Land use survey was conducted to help us see visually the main function of the village. We did this by walking around the village with a base map and recording the use of the buildings under local services, tourist services, houses and other. This will help us see if Castleton’s main economic activities is tourism. This then allows us to examine whether the population of Castleton has been affected by tourism as its’ main economic function. Justify your data presentation for your human enquiry Producing a Choropleth map of land use of the village. This is a good form of presentation as it is very visual and judgement can be formed quickly. It allows us to collate land use easily. This then allows us to form a conclusion about whether tourism is the main economic activity. Another form of data presentation I completed was a Bar graph. I chose a bar graph to show the results of the questionnaire. Bar graphs are easy to construct and easy to read and understand and this is way I chose this data presentation. This helps us to form our conclusion to see if tourism is the main economic function. Justify the location of your human fieldwork. Castleton is a small village in the East Midlands within the Peak District National Park about 30Kms from Sheffield. It is a rural area and this make is ideal for our study area as we are investigating whether population increases due to tourism. It was also a good location as it was very accessible from Salford where our school is based. Examine the risks that need to be considered before the human fieldwork took place. The main Hazard was the main road. Risk is that people could be knocked down. Minimise the risk by crossing the road carefully and walking on the side of the road that has the pavement as on the main road in Castleton, there was only one pavement on one side for part of it so being careful here was important. Sensible clothing and shoes as weather can be unpredictable in the Peak District and the time of year we went the weather would be cold and probably wet. Look at how the basic information has been used to expand the points and place them into sentences.

3 Using your human fieldwork examine how the investigation furthered your understanding of geography
In our hypothesis we stated that “Castleton’s population has increased as a result of its’ primary economic function as a tourist honeypot village”. The investigation has shown that this hypothesis is false. Castleton’s population has not increased when you look at the secondary census data, it has actually seen a decrease in population from 2001 going from 649 to 617 people. Using this data is useful in allowing us to investigate actual population figures to help us with our original aim. The questionnaire also supports this as only 2 people we questioned came from the area. It is true that Castleton’s main economic function is tourism as the Choropleth map produced showed that apart from housing tourism services are the main land use with the village. So the questionnaire was very helpful in helping us reach this conclusion. A reason for the hypothesis being false could be explained by the decline of rural economies which sees many young people having to move out of rural areas to look for employment. In Castleton’s case they may have moved to neighbouring urban centres such as Sheffield or Manchester. Another factor could be that Castleton has lower population due to people having holiday homes there and this means that the house is only used for some of the year. This is another problem for rural communities who then see the community spirit lost. This investigation has helped me learn more about the geography of rural areas and I now understand why rural communities are in decline. Using your human enquiry illustrate how the investigation could be improved looking at methods, data presentation and conclusion Conducting a questionnaire in winter was difficult due to less numbers of people being there. Doing it at different times of the year may have given us more results. Going at summer may have meant that we could have talked to more people including residents to assess with more accuracy why Castleton’s population figures have gone down. Going in winter means our results are not as reliable due to the small number of people we could ask, therefore making our conclusion less reliable and not as valid. Another way to improve the study is to go for more than a day. If we went for a week we could be able to collect more data which would get us a more accurate result for us to draw a conclusion. From our results we would be able to draw comparison bar graphs which would help us draw our conclusion. Finally we could compare 2 rural communities to see if tourism has had the same impact on its’ population. By comparing two villages we could see if the geography of rural villages is seeing a decline in population and a loss of community spirit. It would also allow us to form a more valid conclusion as we would have more data which provides more reliable data sets. Look at how the basic information has been used to expand the points and place them into sentences and paragraphs.

4 Chapel en le Frith fieldwork- Physical
Data Collection Methods- Primary data collected Quadrats is quantitative, whereas Bi-polar survey is qualitative as it is an opinion. Collection of the data helps us investigate our hypothesis to help us accept or reject it. For the quadrats this is random sampling as we threw the tennis ball anywhere then placed the quadrat down and took the sample. In the quadrate we had to estimate how much of the ground was grass, mud, bare ground and so on. We recorded this as a percentage. For the Bi-Polar we chose 3 different areas in the park. The survey is subjective as it is our opinion of the area. In the survey we looked at things such as litter and noise and then scored each item from -3 to +3. Data Processing- Primary data of quadrats were collected in %. Bi-polar we collected data on the area and then averaged the results out. Hypothesis/aim/title- The woodland ecosystem in Chapel en le Frith is negatively affected by human activity Data presentation- Quadrats was presented in a stacked column. Radar graph for bi-polar allows all three places to be on one graph. Location- Chapel en le frith a small village in the East Midlands within the Peak District National Park about 30Kms from Sheffield. It is a rural area. Conclusion- Aim was to see if the woodland ecosystem, in Chapel en le Frith is negatively affected by human activity. Hypothesis false as humans impacted very little. Park well looked after and managed. Risk Assessment- Main Hazard was the dogs in the park. Minimise the risk by being careful around them and not throwing the tennis ball near them Weather is unpredictable in the Peak District Sampling strategies- Random for the quadrats. Evaluation/improving- Do more than one park as one is not enough. Go at different times of the year to see if impact increasing or decreases depending on the year. Collect more data to make it more reliable. This is the basic information needed to answer the questions on the other sheet.

5 State the title of your fieldwork enquiry in which physical geography data were collected.
Title of fieldwork enquiry: ____________________________________________________________________________ Explain the advantage(s) of the location(s) used for your fieldwork enquiry. [2 marks] ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Justify one primary data collection method used in relation to the aim(s) of your physical geography enquiry. [3 marks] Primary data collection method: ____________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6 Assess how effective your presentation technique(s) for your physical geography enquiry were in representing the data collected in this enquiry. [6 marks] ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ For one of your geography enquiries, to what extent were results of this enquiry helpful in reaching a reliable conclusion(s)? [9 marks] [+ 3 SPaG marks] Title of fieldwork enquiry: ___________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Suggest one reason why risk assessment was important when planning your enquiry [2 marks] _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Justify one of your data collections methods for your physical fieldwork enquiry [4 marks]

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