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Ymchwil Gweithredol – Ymholiad Athro Action Research – Teacher Inquiry

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1 Ymchwil Gweithredol – Ymholiad Athro Action Research – Teacher Inquiry
RhAG / GTP Ymchwil Gweithredol – Ymholiad Athro Action Research – Teacher Inquiry

2 Nodau / Aims I ddatblygu agwedd penodol o’ch hymarfer
Dull systematig i werthuso dulliau dysgu ac addysgu Datblygu dulliau ymchwil ymarferol a phroffesiynol I ddatblygu’n athro adfyfyriol To develop a specific aspect of your practice Systematic approach to evaluate new teaching and learning approaches Acquire close to practice research skills To become a ‘self-improving’ teacher

3 Y broses / The process

4 Parhad / cont’d Rydych yn ystyried a chyfiawnhau agwedd neilltuol ar ymarfer i'w datblygu. Rydych yn ystyried theori, ymchwil ac ymarfer gorau yn y maes addysgeg hwn. Rydych yn cynllunio'r newid yn systematig wedi'i seilio ar y dystiolaeth orau, modelau o arfer dda, anghenion eich disgyblion a'ch barn broffesiynol. Rydych yn cynllunio'n systematig sut i gasglu tystiolaeth cyn, yn ystod ac ar ôl y newid, a fydd yn cefnogi eich dadansoddiad o'ch ymarfer Rydych yn rhoi eich cynllun ar waith (Gwneud) Rydych yn adolygu'n feirniadol yr hyn rydych wedi'i roi ar waith ac yn gwerthuso eich addysgu a'r hyn mae'r disgyblion yn ei ddysgu, gan nodi materion ar gyfer ymarfer yn y dyfodol a datblygu pellach. * You consider and justify a particular aspect of practice to develop. You consider theory, research and best practice in this area of pedagogy You systematically plan the change based on the best evidence, models of good practice, the needs of your pupils and your professional judgement. You systematically plan how to collect evidence before, during and after the change which will support your analysis of your practice You put your plan into practice (Do) You critically review what you have implemented, and evaluate your teaching and pupils' learning, identifying issues for future practice and further development.

5 Ystyried / Consider Adnabod agwedd o’ch arfer i ddatblygu Cysidrwch:
Eich diddordebau Arsylwadau o’r dysgwyr Adfyfyriadau proffesiynol Adborth gan eich mentor/tiwtor Identify an area of your practice you want to develop Consider your: Interest Observations of learners Professional reflections Feedback from mentor/tutor

6 Cynllunio / Planning Cynllunio’r weithred
Cynllunio pa ddata i’w gasglu Cynllunio sut i gasglu’r data Planning the action Plan what data to collect Plan how to collect the data

7 Gwneud / Do Gweithredu’r weithred Implementing the action

8 Adolygu / Review Disgrifiadol Dehongliadol Gwerthusol Dadansoddol
Descriptive Interpretative Evaluative Analytical

9 Fframwaith i’r Adroddiad / Report Structure
Rhagarweiniad Ffocws yr ymchwiliad Y cam ystyried Cynllunio’r gweithredu Cynllunio sut i gasglu data Canlyniadau a dadansoddiad Adolygiad Introduction The enquiry focus The consider phase Planning the action Planning the data collection Results and analysis Review

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