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Brîff 7 Munud - Hysbysu Rhieni am Bryderon Diogelu Informing Parents of Safeguarding Concerns - 7 Minute Briefing.

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Presentation on theme: "Brîff 7 Munud - Hysbysu Rhieni am Bryderon Diogelu Informing Parents of Safeguarding Concerns - 7 Minute Briefing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brîff 7 Munud - Hysbysu Rhieni am Bryderon Diogelu Informing Parents of Safeguarding Concerns - 7 Minute Briefing

2 1. BETH YDYW? WHAT IS IT? Mae Deddf Plant (1989/2004) yn diffinio cyfrifoldeb rhiant fel: "yr holl hawliau, dyletswyddau, pwerau, cyfrifoldebau ac awdurdod sydd gan riant plentyn, yn ôl y gyfraith, mewn perthynas â'r plentyn“ Mae'r ddeddfwriaeth yn glir, yn y mwyafrif o achosion, mai’r ffordd fwyaf effeithiol o sicrhau bod plant yn cael eu diogelu yw trwy weithio mewn partneriaeth â rhieni a gofalwyr. The Children Act (1989/2004) defines parental responsibility as: “all the rights, duties, powers, responsibilities and authority which by law a parent of a child has in relation to the child” The legislation is clear that, in the majority of cases, the most effective way of ensuring that children are safeguarded is by working in partnership with parents and carers

3 2. BETH YDYW ? WHAT IS IT? Pan fo pryder i blentyn neu berson ifanc, dylai ymarferwyr geisio trafod hyn mewn modd clir, agored a chytbwys gyda rhieni a cheisio cytundeb ar gyfer Gwasanaethau Ymyrraeth Gynnar neu wneud atgyfeiriad at Gofal Cymdeithasol Plant, oni bai y byddai gwneud hynny’n rhoi’r plentyn mwn mwy o risg o ddioddef niwed sylweddol. Dylid bob amser dogfennu’r rheswm dros benderfynu peidio â rhannu gwybodaeth neu bryderon gyda rhiant. Where there is a concern for a child or young person, practitioners should seek to discuss this in a clear, open and balanced way with parents and seek agreement to an Early Intervention Services or to a referral being made to Children’s Social Care, unless to do so would place the child at increased risk of suffering significant harm. The reason for deciding not to share information or concerns with a parent should always be documented.

4 3. BETH YDYW? WHAT IS IT? Mae yna achosion lle nad yw'n briodol trafod pryderon diogelu gyda rhieni / gofalwyr cyn atgyfeirio at y Gofal Cymdeithasol Plant oherwydd y byddai gwneud hynny yn rhoi’r plentyn, person ifanc neu eraill mewn mwy o berygl o ddioddef Niwed Sylweddol. There are cases where it is not be appropriate to discuss safeguarding concerns with parents/carers prior to a referral to Children’s Social Care because to do so would place that child, young person or others at increased risk of suffering Significant Harm

Ni fyddai'n briodol rhannu pryderon lle: Mae tystiolaeth i awgrymu y byddai cynnwys y rhieni / gofalwyr yn rhwystro ymchwiliad yr Heddlu a / neu Ymchwiliad Adran 47 Mae amheuaeth bod rhiant yn rhan o gam-drin/ ecsbloetio plentyn yn rhywiol Mae amheuaeth o gamdriniaeth wedi'i threfnu neu gamdriniaeth lluosog Mae amheuaeth o salwch ffug neu salwch wedi'i ysgogi Nid yw'n bosibl cysylltu â rhieni / gofalwyr heb achosi oedi gormodol Mae risg o briodas dan orfodaeth neu drais yn seiliedig ar anrhydedd Sylwch nad yw'r rhestr hon yn gynhwysfawr It would not be appropriate to share concerns where: There is evidence to suggest that involving the parents/carers would impede the Police investigation &/or Section 47 Enquiry It is suspected that a parent is involved in the sexual abuse/sexual exploitation of a child Organised or multiple abuse is suspected Fabricated or induced illness is suspected It is not possible to contact parents/carers without causing undue delay There is a risk of forced marriage or honour-based violence Please note this list is not exhaustive

Trin sgyrsiau anodd: Cyn cael y sgwrs, gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod wedi casglu'r holl ffeithiau. Mae hyn yn arbennig o bwysig ar gyfer sgyrsiau a allai ysgogi ymatebion emosiynol neu amddiffynnol; bydd casglu'r dystiolaeth angenrheidiol yn eich galluogi i drafod y mater mewn ffordd glir a niwtral. Eglurwch union bwrpas y sgwrs a beth yw'r canlyniad a ddymunir. Os yw'ch profiad blaenorol o'r rhiant yn awgrymu eu bod yn risg, gwnewch asesiad risg llawn a pheidiwch â’u gweld ar eich pen eich hun. Ystyriwch safbwynt y rhiant a allai gael ei ddylanwadu gan: brofiad gwael o wasanaethau, diffyg ymddiriedaeth, Handling difficult conversations: Before having the conversation, make sure you have gathered all the facts. This is particularly important for conversations that may stimulate emotional or defensive responses; collecting the necessary evidence will allow you to discuss the issue in a clear and neutral manner. Clarify the exact purpose of the conversation and what the desired outcome is. If your previous experience of the parent/suggests that they pose a risk, make a full risk assessment & do not see them on your own. Consider the parent’s point of view which may be influenced by: bad experience of services, lack of trust, limited or distorted

Os ydych wedi nodi'r angen am sgwrs anodd, deliwch ag ef yn brydlon cyn i'r broblem gynyddu. Bydd agor y sgwrs yn helpu i lywio cyfeiriad y cyfarfod cyfan Annogwch y rhiant/ rhieni i siarad ac ystyried Rhwystrau i gyfathrebu / unrhyw anghenion ychwanegol. Egluro'r camau nesaf a gwirio dealltwriaeth. If you have identified the need for a difficult conversation, deal with it promptly before the problem escalates. The opening of the conversation will help to shape the direction of the entire meeting Encourage the parent/s to talk and consider Barriers to communication/any additional needs. Clarify next steps and check understanding.

8 7. GWEITHREDU ACTION A ydw i'n glir ynghylch pryd i roi gwybod i rieni am bryderon diogelu ynglŷn â'u plant? Ydw i'n glir pan na ddylwn i? Sicrhewch eich bod chi'n gyfarwydd â Gweithdrefnau Amddiffyn Plant Cymru Gyfan Ymchwil Pellach SCIE: Amharodrwydd i rannu gwybodaeth ym mhresenoldeb teulu Am I clear about when to inform parents of safeguarding concerns regarding their children? Am I clear when not to? Ensure that you are familiar with the All Wales Child Protection Procedures Further Research SCIE: Reluctance to share information in the presence of families

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