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Communicating Styles.

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Presentation on theme: "Communicating Styles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communicating Styles

2 Everyday we deal with people
… at home… and in the workplace Some make your job easier. Others, well… it doesn’t go quite as smoothly.

3 If you could find a way to make interactions more productive
That’s a tool that can come in handy when you need THEIR help to get YOUR job done.

4 Well, Is it ME? Or THEM?

5 I left my mark in Modern Times…
I pondered that question back in 5th century BC Hippocrates And I as well! …around 100 AD Ptolemy Carl Jung

6 Ptolemy Hippocrates Four Temperaments: Choleric Melancholic Sanguine
Phlegmatic Ptolemy Four Temperaments assocated with Zodiac: Fire - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius Earth - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn Air - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius Water - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

7 Carl Jung Four psychological modes by which we gather information.
Intuitive Sensation Thinking Feeling Basis of the most widely used assessments for past 75 years Millions of people in thousands of organizations have used Jung-influenced typology surveys Carl Jung

8 Wouldn’t that be too simple?
Four Billion People!!! Just Four “Types”? Wouldn’t that be too simple?

9 Maybe, but that hasn’t stopped us yet  Wouldn’t that be too simple?

10 People are different… (you know that)
We have different ways of viewing our world and the people in it We come from different cultural backgrounds We have different needs, wants, goals, and fears We process information differently I-Speak is based on these simple principles: People are different (OK we knew that) [click- 1st line] Yet they tend to fall consistently into four different behavioral “types” (OK, we just learned that) [click- 1st bullet] Each of the 4 behavioral types has a somewhat different way of looking at the world and a different set of needs, wants, goals and fears. [Click-2nd bullet] So if we have a system that helps us understand our own strengths and weaknesses, our own needs and preferences, [Click-3rd bullet] And a system that helps us understand the differences in others [Click-4th bullet] We can adapt our behavior and manage those conflicts more effectively [Click] (you know that)

11 But there are similarities!
For over 2500 years, Four temperments/types/personalities have been a consistent model to explore behviors and personality traits.. Today The most widely accepted profiles are based, to a greater or lesser degree, on the typology studies of Psychologist Carl Jung. MBTI Myers-Briggs I-Speak/CST Paul Mok DiSC Wiliam Marston KTS II David Kiersey I-Speak is based on these simple principles: People are different (OK we knew that) [click- 1st line] Yet they tend to fall consistently into four different behavioral “types” (OK, we just learned that) [click- 1st bullet] Each of the 4 behavioral types has a somewhat different way of looking at the world and a different set of needs, wants, goals and fears. [Click-2nd bullet] So if we have a system that helps us understand our own strengths and weaknesses, our own needs and preferences, [Click-3rd bullet] And a system that helps us understand the differences in others [Click-4th bullet] We can adapt our behavior and manage those conflicts more effectively [Click]

12 Intuitor? Thinker? What’s Your Style? Sensor? Feeler?

13 Knowing Your Style: Helps you recognize and understand your own preferences and behaviors Helps you recognize differences in others …using clues and cues Promotes appreciation and acceptance of differences Provides a common language for collaboration Helps you adapt your approach, when stakes are high, to better communicate and influence the people whose support you need to get your job done. I-Speak is based on these simple principles: People are different (OK we knew that) [click- 1st line] Yet they tend to fall consistently into four different behavioral “types” (OK, we just learned that) [click- 1st bullet] Each of the 4 behavioral types has a somewhat different way of looking at the world and a different set of needs, wants, goals and fears. [Click-2nd bullet] So if we have a system that helps us understand our own strengths and weaknesses, our own needs and preferences, [Click-3rd bullet] And a system that helps us understand the differences in others [Click-4th bullet] We can adapt our behavior and manage those conflicts more effectively [Click]

14 CST I-Speak Style Profile
Developed by Dr. Paul Mok Adapted and simplified from the work of psychologist Carl Jung Used by millions for workplace coaching and teambuilding Encourages effective communication and collaboration through awareness For our short course, we’re going to use a profile assessment called I-Speak. [click] I-Speak was developed by Harvard Psychologist Dr. Paul Mok [Click] and like just about all of personality and behavioral assessments in modern times, the work of psychologist Carl Jung is evoked [Click)] Over the past 40 years the I-Speak personal profile has earned widespread respect and acceptance by behavioral researchers, organizational psychologists, and more importantly by millions of users who have found it be a simple and useful business tool for self-awareness and improved communications. Focuses on Communicating

15 Completing the Profile…
There are no “right” or “wrong” answers There’s no one “best style” Over time, your style probably wont change By the way…and this is no trick [click- 1st bullet] There are NO right or wrong answers.. really, you can’t choose an incorrect response [click- 2nd bullet] There is no “Best Style”…just “different” styles of behavior. [click- 3rd bullet] And if you should have to complete the I-Speak profile (or some other behavioral profile) a year from now…(as many of us do) you’ll probably find that your behavioral style doesn’t change. [click- 4th bullet] So if you answer each question as honestly as you can, you will simply learn more about YOU … yes, YOU You are who you are. [Click] Only now, you will know that person a whole lot better. Oh, and if you are wondering what in the world S I S C stands for… don’t worry, you’ll find out all about it when you get your profile. [Click] Don’t overthink… just be honest with yourself …to learn more about YOU

16 If you haven’t already done so… Please complete the Style Survey
Now, with over 4 billion people in the world, how can “short course on human behavior?” be of any value? [click- pictures appear one at a time] Well, in a nutshell, philosophers and behavioral scientists have been grappling with that question for thousands of years. Way back … even before roman catapults … ancient philosophers and scientists observed that people tended to fall into four different behavioral “types and temperments”… For our short course, we’ll skip the evolution of these theories, but suffice it to say, over the past 2400 years, the four types have remained surprisingly consistent, and with some clarification and embellishment, they remain the basis of behavioral science today. And millions of people in thousands of organizations have used these various profiles to better understand themselves and others, and to help managers, teams and individuals work and interact more successfully [click]

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