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Mrs. Anderson Mrs. Damron Mrs. Ficor Mrs. Shifflett Mrs. Dixon Support Teachers Mrs. Boldt Mrs. Rutledge Mrs. Donovan Mrs. Morton Mrs. Kelley.

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2 Mrs. Anderson Mrs. Damron Mrs. Ficor Mrs. Shifflett Mrs. Dixon Support Teachers Mrs. Boldt Mrs. Rutledge Mrs. Donovan Mrs. Morton Mrs. Kelley

3 We will rotate in the morning Whole class after lunch
Bathroom Breaks: We will rotate in the morning Whole class after lunch Students are advised to go before morning announcements Students may visit the library during our language arts block – most students have a designated day. Check out starts 9/26 We have a working snack around 9:30am Graded Papers’ Folders are sent home on Fridays. Please sign and return by Tuesday of the next week.

4 7:20-7:45 7:50-8:20 8:30-10:10 10:10-11:10 11:25-11:55 12:00-12:30 12:35-1:35 1:36-2:05 Morning Work Resources Language Arts SS/SCI Lunch I/E Math Recess

5 7:50 – 8:30 9:30-10:00 10:05 – 10:35 7:50-8:20 Art Shine PE Music

6 individual students/groups
Whole Group: 30 minutes Small Group: 60 minutes Each week we will focus on a particular reading and comprehension skill. Small groups based on skill sets for individual students/groups

7 Our main goal: To write really great topic sentences To stay on topic Details! Using proper capitalization and punctuation

8 Students weekly word study words are differentiated based on pre-assessments.
Differentiated spelling words will begin in October. Spelling tests will be taken on Fridays. Students will also sort their words based on features.

9 Students will be pretested on each SOL
Divided into appropriate leveled classes – these are fluid & can change Math facts (+, -, x, ÷) extremely important – please study daily

10 Big Topics: Animals- adaptations, habitats,
Environments, and food chains Interdependency and Conservation Simple Machines Soil Earth Cycles- moon phases & water cycle Energy Hands-on learning

11 Big Topics: Government/ Civics Greece, Rome, Mali Map Skills Economics Famous Americans Explorers

12 Yes, the rumor is true – no homework this year!
What this means for you at home: It is essential students read every night! Students still need to prepare for assessments. Students should still practice math facts. We will be sending home some helpful websites for you to use at home.

13 Grading Polices: We follow the county’s 10 point grading scale.
Graded Paper folders are sent home on Fridays. Please sign and return by Tuesday. If your child has an X in any area this is a place that he/she can improve upon. Powerschool will be updated every 2 weeks. Tests will count twice in our gradebooks. No student earns less than a 50%. You might see a lower grade on the assessment itself but it will be entered as a 50%.

14 We will be going to the Maggie Walker House in the winter.
We have two in-class virtual lessons from the MSIC – one in October & one in March. We will be going to the Maggie Walker House in the winter. We have a visit to the MSIC & an I Love Soil Lesson. We are working on a Monticello Trip. PTA is working on a Young Scientists Class Lesson. We are planning a trip to Beauty and the Beast in the Spring.

15 We look forward to a great year!
Questions? We look forward to a great year!

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