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Protein Transformation

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1 Protein Transformation
Genetic Engineering Protein Transformation Electrophoresis Cloning GMO’s Crispr –Cas9 Stem Cells?

2 Transformation Plasmid Restriction Enzyme Plasmid - circular DNA with genes of interest (naturally or man-made) Bacteria - prokaryote with its own DNA, used to clone the plasmid (E. coli) LB Agar - (Luria Broth) - nutrient source for the bacteria Clone - to make a genetically identical copy - in this case via binary fission of E. coli FP - Fluorescent Protein Gene: • from jellyfish or coral • Used as a biological marker to  locate or track cellular structures or activities Gene of Interest - FP Salk - motor neurons Russia - to track cancer Pigs ?

3 Electrophoresis Used to separate DNA fragments or protein
Moves based on density (size)

4 Now let’s try it! EcoR1: 5’…G|AATTC…3’ 3’…C TTAA|G…5’ HindIII:
EcoR1 (Pronounced eco-R-one is a restriction enzyme isolated from E. coli bacteria) EcoR1 cuts along a very specific pattern of base pairs as shown to the right. Any time you see that exact sequence of DNA bases, make the cut as shown. EcoR1: 5’…G|AATTC…3’ 3’…C TTAA|G…5’ HindIII (hin “D” three is a restriction enzyme isolated from Haemophilus influenza virus) HindIII cuts along a very specific pattern of base pairs as shown to the right. Any time you see that exact sequence of DNA bases, make the cut as shown. HindIII: 5’…A|AGCTT…3’ 3’…T TCGA|A…5’

5 Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats
Designer babies:

6 Epigenome

7 Cloning List the sheep & their roles: 1. ___________________
2. ___________________ 3. ___________________ 4. ___________________ Biological sheep (ewe) Contributes DNA - 54 chr from somatic cell Donor sheep (ewe) Egg minus DNA - removes 27 chr from egg Surrogate sheep (ewe) Womb (uterus) for lamb to grow Lamb (clone) “mini me” - exact genetic Copy of her biological mom Sheep have 54 chromosomes in their somatic cells and 27 chromosomes in their gametes. 7

8 Celebrity Sheep Has Died at Age 6
 Dolly, the first mammal to be cloned from adult DNA, was put down by lethal injection Feb. 14, Prior to her death, Dolly had been suffering from lung cancer and crippling arthritis. Although most Finn Dorset sheep live to be 11 to 12 years of age, postmortem examination of Dolly seemed to indicate that, other than her cancer and arthritis, she appeared to be quite normal. The unnamed sheep from which Dolly was cloned had died several years prior to her creation. Dolly was a mother to six lambs, bred the old-fashioned way. Image credit: Roslin Institute Image Library, Africa’s Cow S. Korea - Snuppy

9 Stem Cells - Undifferentiated cells Sources of Stem Cells

10 Stem Cells - Undifferentiated cells
Our stem cells, prompted by chemical signals, differentiate into the different cells making up our body, turning on specific genes to dictate specific cell structure and function. Name a type of cell and a condition it could be used for:

11 Now let’s look at your lab results!

12 GMO’s What do you think? Brochure review.
Genetically Modified Organisms What do you think? Brochure review.

13 What happens with cancer?
It is essentially a failure of cell division control: Cancer cells are encouraged to grow turn on growth promoter genes turn on blood vessel growth genes Cancer cells ignore signals to stop turn off touch sensor gene turn off tumor suppressor genes Mutated / faulty cells can be Benign (non-cancerous) Tumors - stay at site Malignant Tumors - leaves original site, impair organ function

14 Remember Griffith’s Experiments?
Avery’s Experiments Peter J. Russell, iGenetics: Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings. Hershey-Chase Experiments

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