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Preview Chapter 1 Multiple Choice Short Response Extended Response

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1 Preview Chapter 1 Multiple Choice Short Response Extended Response
Standardized Test Prep Preview Multiple Choice Short Response Extended Response

2 Chapter 1 Multiple Choice
Standardized Test Prep Chapter 1 Multiple Choice 1. Which of the following does evolution help explain? A. how organisms reproduce B. how organisms grow and develop C. how organisms are related to each other D. how organisms obtain and metabolize energy

3 Multiple Choice, continued
Standardized Test Prep Chapter 1 Multiple Choice, continued 1. Which of the following does evolution help explain? A. how organisms reproduce B. how organisms grow and develop C. how organisms are related to each other D. how organisms obtain and metabolize energy

4 Multiple Choice, continued
Standardized Test Prep Chapter 1 Multiple Choice, continued 2. Which of the following is the hereditary material in most living things? F. DNA G. lipids H. oxygen J. carbon dioxide

5 Multiple Choice, continued
Standardized Test Prep Chapter 1 Multiple Choice, continued 2. Which of the following is the hereditary material in most living things? F. DNA G. lipids H. oxygen J. carbon dioxide

6 Multiple Choice, continued
Standardized Test Prep Chapter 1 Multiple Choice, continued 3. Which of the following does the hierarchy of organization within an organism describe? A. metabolism B. homeostasis C. internal structures D. relationship to the physical environment

7 Multiple Choice, continued
Standardized Test Prep Chapter 1 Multiple Choice, continued 3. Which of the following does the hierarchy of organization within an organism describe? A. metabolism B. homeostasis C. internal structures D. relationship to the physical environment

8 Multiple Choice, continued
Standardized Test Prep Chapter 1 Multiple Choice, continued 4. To which of the following does the resolution of a microscope refer? F. its ability to show detail clearly G. its power to scan the surface of an object H. its series of interchangeable objective lenses J. its power to increase an object’s apparent size

9 Multiple Choice, continued
Standardized Test Prep Chapter 1 Multiple Choice, continued 4. To which of the following does the resolution of a microscope refer? F. its ability to show detail clearly G. its power to scan the surface of an object H. its series of interchangeable objective lenses J. its power to increase an object’s apparent size

10 Multiple Choice, continued
Standardized Test Prep Chapter 1 Multiple Choice, continued The graph below shows the distance it takes an owl to strike a mouse under different conditions. Use the graph to answer the question that follows. 5. Which of the following is the dependent variable in the experiment? A. dark room B. light room C. heated room D. distance from target

11 Multiple Choice, continued
Standardized Test Prep Chapter 1 Multiple Choice, continued The graph below shows the distance it takes an owl to strike a mouse under different conditions. Use the graph to answer the question that follows. 5. Which of the following is the dependent variable in the experiment? A. dark room B. light room C. heated room D. distance from target

12 Multiple Choice, continued
Standardized Test Prep Chapter 1 Multiple Choice, continued 6. compound light microscope : light :: TEM : F. tissues G. electrons H. organelles J. organ systems

13 Multiple Choice, continued
Standardized Test Prep Chapter 1 Multiple Choice, continued 6. compound light microscope : light :: TEM : F. tissues G. electrons H. organelles J. organ systems

14 Multiple Choice, continued
Standardized Test Prep Chapter 1 Multiple Choice, continued The figure below shows a newspaper clipping. Use the figure to answer the question that follows. 7. Which of the following terms most accurately reflects the use of the term theory in the newspaper headline? A. law B. fact C. hypothesis D. experiment

15 Multiple Choice, continued
Standardized Test Prep Chapter 1 Multiple Choice, continued The figure below shows a newspaper clipping. Use the figure to answer the question that follows. 7. Which of the following terms most accurately reflects the use of the term theory in the newspaper headline? A. law B. fact C. hypothesis D. experiment

16 Chapter 1 Short Response
Standardized Test Prep Chapter 1 Short Response Dolly was cloned from mammary cells from an adult female sheep. She was an exact genetic copy of her mother. Explain whether Dolly represents a product of sexual reproduction or asexual reproduction.

17 Short Response, continued
Standardized Test Prep Chapter 1 Short Response, continued Dolly was cloned from mammary cells from an adult female sheep. She was an exact genetic copy of her mother. Explain whether Dolly represents a product of sexual reproduction or asexual reproduction. Answer: Dolly is a product of asexual reproduction because she is the offspring of only one individual and a clone of that individual’s DNA.

18 Chapter 1 Extended Response
Standardized Test Prep Chapter 1 Extended Response Life is so diverse, yet it is characterized by a unity. The tree of life can relate life’s unity and diversity. Part A Describe the relationship between animals, plants, fungi, protists, bacteria, and archaea in the “tree of life.” Part B Explain how the “tree of life” represents and relates both the unity and diversity of life.

19 Extended Response, continued
Standardized Test Prep Chapter 1 Extended Response, continued Answer: Part A Animals, plants, fungi, and protists are members of the domain Eukarya. Eukarya, Bacteria, and Archaea are the three domains thought to have descended with modification from a single common ancestor. Part B The living things on the tree are unified by sharing a common ancestor and having DNA with the same chemical makeup. But, no two species have exactly the same genetic makeup, which allows for a diverse array of organisms on Earth.

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