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FUTURA Developing the Intellect through Inquiry and Investigation

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Presentation on theme: "FUTURA Developing the Intellect through Inquiry and Investigation"— Presentation transcript:

1 FUTURA Developing the Intellect through Inquiry and Investigation
Show this slide as people enter. Structures

2 Meet the Teachers Elizabeth Bowers Meghan Doherty *

3 What is FUTURA? Facilitating Understanding Through Utilizing Real Life
Applications *

4 LCPS Gifted Education Goals
#1 To become divergent creative thinkers who recognize problems and solve them. #2 To construct personal meaning and understanding of others and of the world around them. #3 To develop the capacity for self assessment. (ownership of the learning)

5 Our classes are Room 28 and the lab
Arcola FUTURA Center Monday – Arcola 4th / 5th Tuesday – Aldie 4th / 5th, Legacy 4th Liberty 4th  Wednesday – Liberty 5th Thursday – Legacy 5th Friday – Pinebrook 4th Our classes are Room 28 and the lab Mixing 4th and 5th - Our curriculum is open ended and isn't leveled academically.  It spans several grades and subject areas.  This gives our students the opportunity to work with students from other grades and possibly other schools.   *

6 R.O.A.R. Respectful On Task Acting Safely Responsible Cafeteria
Quiet and kind Eat your lunch Eat your own food Stay seated voice Line up quietly Hands and feet to Clean up your table Raise your hand self and throw away trash to ask questions Playground Be kind to others Play Use playground Take turns Line up when equipment called Tell teacher if you appropriately or another student Bring in what you is hurt brought out Hallways Silent voice Face forward Walking feet Walk on the right Stay in single file line Bus Go straight to Remain seated Remember your your bus at belongings dismissal Listen to the bus driver and patrols Bathrooms Use the Wash your hands Towels in trash bathroom Honor privacy Flush toilet

7 Tentative Daily Schedule
Take Bus to FUTURA center 9:00-9:15 Arrive at FUTURA center 9:00-10:00 Interest Development Centers 10:00-11:40 Structures Investigations 11:40-11:55 Recess 12:00-12:30 Lunch 12:30-1:30 Creative Problem Solving 1:40-1:45 Reflection, Agendas and Clean up 1:45 Take Bus back to home school Students are actively working/learning the entire time they are in FUTURA. There are no specials during FUTURA. *

8 Attendance Is Important
If your child is going to be absent, please call your home school as well as Arcola Elementary School (703)

9 Lunch Students may bring their lunch from home or buy at the FUTURA center. Lunch accounts are interconnected with your child’s home school. Please make sure they have money in their account if they plan to buy lunch at FUTURA. Please send your child with a nutritious and “nut free” snack. *

10 Interest Development Centers
FUTURA students have the opportunity to choose activities based on interest and learning style while working at their pace. Students learn task commitment and time management skills. Reflect on individual accomplishments and set goals. *

11 Class Structures Investigations

12 Essential Understandings of Structures
Structures provide a framework Structures can be modified Structures meet the needs of the builder Structures are meaningful arrangements of elements Structures are self supporting

13 Binder Your child is responsible for bringing his/her binder each week. Agendas will be used to keep track of due dates. FUTURA *

14 Assessments A performance assessment is given at the end of each semester. (late January and June) Informal assessments are ongoing. Students are often asked to complete self-assessments on various products. This allows them to reflect on their learning. A copy of the FUTURA Assessment can be found in your child’s binder. *

15 At home, FUTURA students may need to:
Homework Policy Home School Homework - Students have two days to make up any missed assignments. At home, FUTURA students may need to: Continue FUTURA research Bring in materials for certain lessons

16 Bring Your Own Technology
FUTURA students will have the opportunity to participate in BYOT. Information will be coming home with the students in the coming weeks.

17 Please Check Our Website

18 Communication Arcola Elementary (703) 957-4390 or e-mail us:

19 Guest Speakers

20 Thank You For Your Support
We look forward to a great year of FUTURA. Please feel free to visit the classrooms after the presentation. Due to the confidential nature of gifted students, please refrain from taking pictures in the classrooms.  Bowers: RM 28 Doherty: The lab

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