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Living in the Environment

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Presentation on theme: "Living in the Environment"— Presentation transcript:

1 Living in the Environment
Community Ecology G. Tyler Miller’s Living in the Environment 14th Edition Chapter 8

2 Key Concepts Community structure Roles of species Species interactions
Changes in ecosystems Stability of ecosystems

3 Community Structure and Species Diversity
Appearance Species diversity Species richness Niche structure Edge effects Fig. 8-2 p. 144

4 Biodiversity Latitude Depth Pollution Theory of island biogeography
Fig. 8-3 p. 145 Theory of island biogeography

5 General Types of Species
Native Non-native (exotic or alien) Indicator Keystone Foundation

6 Species Interactions: Competition
Interspecific competition Predation Parasitism Mutualism Commensalism Resource partitioning

7 Resource Partitioning and Niche Specialization
Refer to Fig. 8-8, p. 151 Fig. 8-7 p. 150

8 Species Interactions: Predation
Predator Prey Prey acquisition Predator avoidance Refer to Fig. 8-9 p. 153

9 Symbiotic Species Interactions: Parasitism
Parasite Host Important ecological roles of parasites

10 Symbiotic Species Interactions: Mutualism
Pollination mutualism Nutritional mutualism Gut inhabitant mutualism Fig. 8-10, p. 155

11 Symbiotic Species Interactions: Commensalism
Species interaction that benefits one and has little or no effect on the other Example: Small plants growing in shade of larger plants

12 Ecological Succession: Communities in Transition
Primary succession Secondary succession Pioneer species Successional species

13 Primary Succession Fig p. 157

14 Secondary Succession Fig p. 158

15 The Rate of Succession Facilitation Inhibition Tolerance

16 Ecological Stability and Sustainability
Disturbance Climax community Inertia Constancy Resilience Precautionary principle

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