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Community Ecology Packet #32 Chapter 14.

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1 Community Ecology Packet #32 Chapter 14

2 Review & Introduction Community Community Ecology
Assemblage of populations, of different species, that live and interact in the same place at the same time Community Ecology Description and analysis of patterns and processes within the community

3 No independent species
Introduction II Communities Large numbers Varying size No precise boundaries Rarely isolated No independent species Difficult to Study Communities are difficult to study Large number of organisms Communities vary in size Lack precise boundaries Rarely completely isolated Within a community, no species exists independently of other species.

4 Community Structure & Functioning
Community Ecology Community Structure & Functioning

5 Niche [nich] The function or position of an organism or population within an ecological community. The particular area within a habitat occupied by an organism. HW What is a habitat?

6 Niche [nich] II There are factors that impact/restrict the ecological niche of a species within a habitat. Limiting resources Abiotic factors Soil composition Climatic extremes Any environmental resource that is scarce or unfavorable Biotic factors

7 Competition Intraspecific Interspecific
Competition between members of same species Interspecific Competition between members of different species Competition between two species with overlapping niches may lead to competition exclusion Results in the exclusion of one species due to interspecific competition.

8 Natural Selection Natural selection shapes the body forms and behaviors of both predator and prey Pursuit and ambush Chemical protection Plant defense Varied defense adaptations of animals to avoid predators Fleeing Hiding Warning colors Batesian mimicry Resemblance of a harmless organism to a harmful or unpalatable organism Mullerian mimicry Similar morphology of a group of harmful or unpalatable organism Monarch & Viceroy butterflies Living in large groups

9 Community Ecology Defense Mechanisms

10 Defense Mechanisms Hiding
Use of warning colors Aposmatic Colors A warning coloration such as a 'striking' color pattern designed to attract attention and to warn predators away. Defense Mechanisms Use of Warning Colors Batesian Mimicry Mullerian Mimicry Hiding

11 Defense Mechanisms Hiding
Batesian mimicry Resemblance of a harmless organism to a harmful or unpalatable organism Defense Mechanisms Use of Warning Colors Batesian Mimicry Mullerian Mimicry Hiding

12 Defense Mechanisms Hiding
Mullerian mimicry Similar morphology of a group of harmful or unpalatable organism Monarch & Viceroy butterflies Defense Mechanisms Use of Warning Colors Batesian Mimicry Mullerian Mimicry Hiding

13 Relationships within Communities
Community Ecology Relationships within Communities

14 Intimate relationship b/t two or more species.
Symbiosis Symbiosis Mutalism Commensalism Parasitism Intimate relationship b/t two or more species. Any intimate relationship or association between members of two or more species Greek sym = together Greek bios = life

15 Types of Symbiosis I Mutualism Benefits are shared
Nitrogen fixing bacteria & legumes Zooxanthellae and reef- building coral Mycorrhizae facilitate mutalistic relationships between fungi and the roots of a wide variety of plants

16 Types of Symbiosis II Commensalism Taking without harm
Epiphytes living on tropical tress benefit from the habitat of the host, but the host is not harmed or benefited. Cattle egrets and water buffalo

17 Types of Symbiosis III Parasitism Taking at another’s expense
Parasite benefits while host is harmed Well adapted parasite does not kill the host Parasite that causes the death of the host is a pathogen

18 Keystone Species Affect the character of the community
Have a great effect on other species in the community Commonly are the top predators Dominant species influence the community as a result of their greater size or abundance Trees are the dominant species in forests because they change the local environment Coral, an animal, in coral reefs Cordgrass in salt marshes Prairie grasses in prairies Kelp in kelp beds

19 Community Development
Community Ecology Community Development

20 Community Development—Succession
Primary Succession Secondary Succession One species replaced by another How do communities develop? The most studied and natural methods is known as succession.

21 Succession Process of community development over time, with one species being replaced by another

22 Succession II Primary Succession
Occurs when a community develops in a “lifeless” environment Occurs on bare rock when rock is eventually transformed into soil Occurs on newly formed volcanic larva and recently glaciated rock

23 Succession III Secondary Succession
Occurs when a community develops where a previous community existed Occurs where soil already exists Areas denuded or modified by fire or agriculture Abandoned farmland Keep in mind that disturbances impact succession

24 Review

25 Review Students are encouraged to place their own questions and charts on the following slides.

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