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New Mexico Law Enforcement telecommunications System (NMLETS) Upgrade

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1 New Mexico Law Enforcement telecommunications System (NMLETS) Upgrade
Executive Summary Replacement project for core DPS system Primary system for providing critical data to law enforcement agencies statewide and connection to national systems The overriding objective of this project is to replace the current NMLETS system with one that provides advanced technologies, improves system response time and can be supported by DPS and vendor staff Current DoIT network impact to remain unchanged

2 New Mexico Law Enforcement telecommunications System (NMLETS) Upgrade
Planning Certification Request EXECUTIVE STAKEHOLDERS Executive Sponsor - Secretary John Denko Jr. Business Owner - Stephen Tapke, Deputy CIO Project Manager – John Oliver Project History: C2 funding - Laws of 2007, Chapter 28, Section 7, Item 030 Project Initiation Certification ($200,000) – 10/2007 Consultant contract to create RFP awarded – 12/2007 NMLETS Replacement RFP released – 11/2008 Vendor(s) selection completed – 5/2009 Budget change certification ($15,000) – 5/2009 IV&V contract awarded – 7/2009

3 New Mexico Law Enforcement telecommunications System (NMLETS) Upgrade
Planning Certification Request Current request 08/2009: Project Planning Certification Certification of all remaining funds ($2,785,000) Approval sought to procure Mobile Component System during planning phase of core system (approximately $311,000) COTS product ready for deployment Will interface to current NMLETS switch and future switch Will allow DPS to meet goal of offering enterprise mobile licenses to Law Enforcement Agencies statewide at no cost earlier in system upgrade timeline.

4 New Mexico Law Enforcement telecommunications System (NMLETS) Upgrade
Planning Certification Request Planned Next Steps: Split vendor contract award – 9/2009 Core System vendor – Computer Projects of Illinois, Inc. (CPI) Mobile System Component vendor – Diverse Computing, Inc. (DCI) TARC Review – 10/2009 Project Implementation Certification– 11/2009 Mobile System Component roll-out – 01/2010

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