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Advanced Calibration Techniques

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1 Advanced Calibration Techniques
Mark Claussen NRAO/Socorro (based on previous self-calibration lectures) Ok, in this talk I will speak about advanced calibration techniques. The major part of this talk will be on the technique called self-calibration. This technique can be used to reduce the noise in an image to the thermal level. Calibrating a synthesis array is one of the most difficult parts of its operation. Small quasi-random errors in the amplitude and phase calibration of the visibility data scatter power all around the image and so produce an increased level of ``rumble'' in the weaker regions of the image, and other systematic errors can lead to a variety of artifacts in the image.

2 Self-calibration of a VLA snapshot
Final image Initial image Original Image An example of using self-calibration is this snapshot image of a radio galaxy (NGC 5322) which has a bright core, jet and lobe emission. We will revisit this image and the steps in self-calibration later in the talk. The image on the left was made after doing the “normal” steps of flagging, calibration, and imaging. The image on the right is the same image after self calibration. Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008

3 Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008
Calibration equation Fundamental calibration equation The ordinary calibration procedure which we have heard about from George Moellenbrock yesterday relies on frequent observations of radio source of known structure, strength, and position in order to determine empirical corrections for time-variable instrumental and environmental factors that cannot be measured or monitored directly. A simplified version of the calibration equation which relates the true visibility and the observed visibility at time t on baseline i-j is given here. We have neglected non-factorable parts of the gain (i.e. Baseline-based gain and noise offset terms). Epsilon (ij) is a pure, zero-mean noise term representing the thermal noise. For simplicity we neglect the effects of time averaging and finite bandwidth --- these have relatively little impact here. The element or antenna gain describes the properties of each of the antennas relative to some reference. The gain for any one antenna has two components: first, a slowly varying instrumental part, and second, a more rapidly varying part due to the troposphere or the ionosphere. Variations in the phase part of the atmospheric component nearly always dominate the overall variation of the antenna gains. Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008

4 Standard calibration using a point source calibrator
Calibration equation becomes These are calibrator visibilities; given a point source can solve for the complex gains Works well - lots of redundancy N-1 baselines contribute to gain estimate for any given antenna Given a calibration source near the region to be imaged, one can solve for the antenna gains as a function of time. Interpolations of the solutions then provides approximate vales for use in correcting the source visibility data. If the equations are over-determined then a least-squares technique can be utilized to good effect in overcoming the random errors embodied in epsilon(ij, t). So for a point source the calibration equation becomes what we see here, where S is the brightness or strength of the point source. Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008

5 Why is a priori calibration insufficient?
Initial calibration based on calibrator observed before/after target Gains were derived at a different time Troposphere and ionosphere are variable Electronics may be variable Gains were derived for a different direction Troposphere and ionosphere are not uniform Observation might have been scheduled poorly for the existing conditions Calibrator may have structure and may not be as strong as expected The main drawback to ordinary calibration arises from temporal and spatial variations in the atmosphere (tropo and iono) through which the wavefront passes before reaching the antennas. We observe a calibrator before and/or after the target so the time and direction are not exactly the same for the target and calibrator. Values for the gain of a given antenna inferred from observations of a calibration source may not apply to a source observed at a different time and in a different part of the sky. Hence the effects of the antenna gains cannot be removed completely, and residual errors remain. The level of error varies a lot with the frequency at which the observations are made and with the lengths of the baselines involved, but on a source of appreciable strength this atmospheric error nearly always overwhelms the error due to the receiver noise term. Other obstacles to ordinary calibration are the strength of the calibrators, and any resolved structure they may contain. In some circumstances one may not be able to find a sufficiently strong unresolved calibration source anywhere near the source of interest. Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008

6 What is the troposphere doing?
Neutral atmosphere contains water vapor Index of refraction differs from “dry” air Variety of moving spatial structures As an example of an experiment in which self-calibration can be effective, consider the effects of the neutral atmosphere. The troposphere contains cells of enhanced water vapor, and so the index of refraction for these cells is different from “dry” air. This causes trophospheric delay differences over two antennas for a given baseline. Thus, since self-calibration uses antenna-based solutions, this kind of phase difference (error) can be effectively reduced by self-calibration. Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008

7 Movie of point source at 22GHz
Here is a sequence of images, taken with the VLA at 22 GHz of a source. The images are made every ten seconds, over a time frame of about 30 minutes. One can see that because of phase errors the source moves about, the structure changes, etc. Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008

8 Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008
Self-calibration Use target visibilities and allow the antenna gains to be free parameters. If all baselines correlated, there are N complex gain errors corrupting the N*(N – 1) / 2 complex visibility measurements for a given time. Therefore there are N * (N – 1) / 2 - N complex numbers that can be used to constrain the true sky brightness distribution. Even after adding the degrees of freedom from the antenna gains, the estimation of an adequate model of the target brightness is still overdetermined. Even after adding the degrees of freedom introduced by the antenna gains, the estimation of an adequate model is still overdeterimined. Self-calibration is really just another method (like CLEAN) which is used to interpret the target visibility data by introducing some plausible assumptions about the source structure. The aim is to produce a model of the sky brightness distribution, the Fourier transform of which, when corrected by some complex gain factors, reproduces the observed visibilities to within the noise level. Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008

9 Self-Calibration using a model of a complex source
So begin by using a model of the source visibilities: One can form a sum of squares of residuals between the observed visibilities and the product of gains and model visibilities and do some kind of minimization by adjusting the gains. So one begins with a model of the source visibilities, and solves for the complex gains, in the “standard” fashion of “normal” calibration. Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008

10 Relationship to point source calibration
We can relate this to using a point source for calibration Made a fake point source by dividing by model visibilities Another way to think about this is to relate this to point-source calibration by making a pseudo-point source by dividing by the model visibilities. Except for the modified noise term, then this equation looks like normal point-source calibration. The overdetermined solutions suggest a possible line of attack in which the model is iteratively refined. Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008

11 Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008
How to self-calibrate Create an initial source model, typically from an initial image (or else a point source) Use full resolution information from the clean components or MEM image NOT the restored image Find antenna gains Using “least squares” (L1 or L2) fit to visibility data Apply gains to correct the observed data Create a new model from the corrected data Using for example Clean or Maximum Entropy Go to (2),unless current model is satisfactory shorter solution interval, different uv limits/weighting phase  amplitude & phase Here is a list of iterative steps to go through for self calibration. As we go through these steps, We are refining the complex gains of the antennas as we make the model better and better. Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008

12 Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008
Closure phase self-calibration preserves the Closure Phase which is a good observable even in the presence of antenna- based phase errors As a bit of an aside, self-calibration preserves the closure phase that George talked about Yesterday --- if one sums the phases around a triangle of antennas, you can see that the Closure phase is a sum of the true phases around the triangle --- the instrumental/atmospheric Phases cancel out. In the next slide we see a dramatic demonstration of this. Does self-cal also preserve closure amplitude ? Yes. Hybrid imaging in Earlier days of VLBI. Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008

13 SMA closure phase measurements at 682GHz
Here is a demo of the closure phase. This is a plot, from the submillimeter array On mauna kea, of the phases on a triangle of baselines, observed at 682 GHz. You can see that the phases for each individual baseline varies widely in the one Hour of data. The closure phase is represented by the black dots, which is clearly A good observeable --- flat over that hour. Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008

14 Advantages and disadvantages of self-calibration
Gains derived for correct time --- no interpolation Gains derived for correct position --- no atmospheric assumptions Solution is fairly robust if there are many baselines More time on-source Disadvantages Requires a sufficiently bright source Introduces more degrees of freedom into the imaging: results might not be robust and stable Absolute position information lost Advantages and disadvantages of self-calibration Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008

15 When to and when not to self-calibrate
Calibration errors may be present if one or both of the following are true: The background noise is considerably higher than expected There are convolutional artifacts around objects, especially point sources Don’t bother self-calibrating if these signatures are not present Don’t confuse calibration errors with effects of poor Fourier plane sampling such as: Low spatial frequency errors (woofly blobs) due to lack of short spacings Multiplicative fringes (due to deconvolution errors) Deconvolution errors around moderately resolved sources Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008

16 Choices in self-calibration
Initial model? Point source often works well Simple fit (e.g., Gaussian) for barely-resolved sources Clean components from initial image Don’t go too deep! Simple model-fitting in (u,v) plane Self-calibrate phases or amplitudes? Usually phases first Phase errors cause anti-symmetric structures in images For VLA and VLBA, amplitude errors tend to be relatively unimportant at dynamic ranges < 1000 or so Choices in self calibration --- choose the initial model – perhaps a point source, Or a simple fit for barely resolved sources – or first few clean components of the Image. Self-calibrate the phases first. Be careful as phase errors cause anti-symmetric Structures in images. Ed Fomalont will talk about error recognition later this Afternoon. Amplitude errors tend to be relatively unimportant at dynamic ranges Less than 1000 or so. Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008

17 Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008
More choices…. Which baselines? For a simple source, all baselines can be used For a complex source, with structure on various scales, start with a model that includes the most compact components, and use only the longer baselines What solution interval should be used? Generally speaking, use the shortest solution interval that gives “sufficient” signal/noise ratio (SNR) If solution interval is too long, data will lose coherence Solutions will not track the atmosphere optimally More choices: Limit baselines … choose solution interval ? Time scale depends upon the timescale for Gain changes and upon the source strength… question is also one of atmospheric time Scales as the phase errors are random … solution interval too long, lose coherence. Time scale for gain changes should be much greater than the time taken for the noise Per antenna to equal the source flux density. Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008

18 Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008
Sensitivity limit Can self-calibrate if SNR on most baselines is greater than one For a point source, the error in the gain solution is Sensitivity limit. Can self-cal if SNR on most baselines is greater than unity. Once The error n the gain is reduced to less than one, then the noise in the final image Will be close to theoretical. If error in gain is much less than 1, then the noise in the final image will be close to theoretical Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008

19 You can self-calibrate on weak sources!
For the VLA at 8 GHz, the noise in 10 seconds for a single 50 MHz IF is about 13 mJy on 1 baseline Average 4 IFs (2 RR and 2 LL) for 60 seconds to decrease this by (4 * 60/10)1/2 to 2.7 mJy If you have a source of flux density about 5 mJy, you can get a very good self-cal solution if you set the SNR threshold to For 5 min, 1.2 mJy gives SNR = 1 For the EVLA at 8 GHz and up, the noise in 10 seconds for an 8 GHz baseband will be about 1 mJy on 1 baseline! Weak source self-cal ! Self-cal on a 5 mJy source over 60s by averaging 4 Ifs In the VLA. EVLA will be able to do 10 times better, so self-cal on 2 mJy source With 10s averaging --- with 60s averaging self-cal on a 0.5 mJy source. Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008

20 Hard example: VLA Snapshot, 8 GHz, B Array
LINER galaxy NGC 5322 Data taken in October 1995 Poorly designed observation One calibrator in 15 minutes Can self-cal help? 15 minutes of data, one calibrator observation (see solution plots) Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008

21 Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008
Initial NGC 5322 Imaging Cleaned Image Synthesized Beam Image after best editing, normal calibration on left. Dirty beam (psf) on right. Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008

22 Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008
First pass Used 4 (merged) clean components in model 10-sec solutions, no averaging, SNR > 5 CALIB1: Found good solutions CALIB1: Failed on solutions CALIB1: 2473 solutions had insufficient data 30-sec solutions, no averaging, SNR > 5 CALIB1: Found good solutions CALIB1: Failed on solutions CALIB1: 125 solutions had insufficient data 30-sec solutions, average all IFs, SNR > 2 CALIB1: Found good solutions Three different calib tries for first pass … note keeping snr > 2. Lot of good solns. Investigating on how long to average. Pick 3. Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008

23 Phase Solutions from 1st Self-Cal
Reference antenna has zero phase correction  No absolute position info. Corrections up to 150° in 14 minutes Typical coherence time is a few minutes Phase solution of first self-cal. Corrections are large. Note time interval Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008

24 Image after first pass Original Image Self-Calibrated Image
Same contour levels. Power has been collected into the center model. Note noise has gone down dramatically. Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008

25 Phase Solutions from 2nd Self-Cal
Used 3 components Corrections are reduced to 40° in 14 minutes Observation now quasi-coherent Next: shorten solution interval to follow troposphere even better Solutions from second phase cal. Used 3 (merged) components. Still 30s integration. Corrections are reduced to 40 degrees in 14 minutes. Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008

26 Image after 2nd Self-Calibration
Original Contour Level Deeper Contouring Image after 2nd self calibration. RHS has changed contour levels to see the fainter structure. Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008

27 Result after second self-calibration
Image noise is now 47 microJy/beam Theoretical noise in 10 minutes is 45 microJy/beam for natural weighting For 14 minutes, reduce by (1.4)1/2 to 38 microJy/beam For robust=0, increase by 1.19, back to 45 microJy/beam Image residuals look “noise-like” Expect little improvement from further self-calibration Dynamic range is 14.1/0.047 = 300 Amplitude errors typically come in at dynamic range ~ 1000 Concern: Source “jet” is in direction of sidelobes Close to theoretical noise, after second phase-cal, don’t expect much improvement. Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008

28 Phase Solutions from 3rd Self-Cal
11-component model used 10-second solution intervals Corrections look noise-dominated Expect little improvement in resulting image Use 11 component model, 10 second solutions. Corrections are now noise-dominated. Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008

29 Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008
Image Comparison 2nd Self-Calibration 3rd Self-Calibration Same contouring. Second on left, third on right. Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008

30 Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008
When Self-cal Fails Astrometry (actually it just doesn’t help) Variable sources Incorrect model barely-resolved sources self-cal can embed mistakes in the data Bad data Images dominated by deconvolution errors poor boxing insufficient uv-coverage Not enough flux density fast-changing atmosphere Errors which are not antenna-based & uniform across the image baseline-based (closure) errors (e.g., bandpass mismatches) imaging over areas larger than the isoplanatic patch antenna pointing and primary beam errors Self-cal can fail, but not too often. Main point is number of free parameters vs number of Visibilities, i.e. when N is small. If there are deconvolution errors, then there is a possible Problem of using these errors as part of the model. Once in the model, the gains are Adjusted so that such errors will always remain. This is one of most important things about Self-cal. Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008

31 Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008
How well it works Can be unstable for complex sources and poor Fourier plane coverage VLA snapshots, sparse arrays (VLBA, MERLIN) Basic requirement is that the total number of degrees of freedom (number of gains plus the number of free parameters in the model) should not be greater than the number of independent vis. measurements. Quite stable for well sampled VLA observations and appropriately complex sources Standard step in most non-detection experiments Bad idea for detection experiments Will manufacture source from noise Use in-beam calibration for detection experiments Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008

32 Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008
Recommendations Flag your data carefully before self-cal Expect to self-calibrate most experiments (other than detection checks) For VLA observations, expect convergence in iterations Monitor off-source noise, peak brightness, “unbelievable” features to determine convergence Few antennas (VLBI) or poor (u,v) coverage can require many more iterations of self-cal Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008

33 Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008
Recommendations Be careful with the initial model Don’t go too deep into your clean components! don’t embed junk in your calibration False symmetrization in phase self-cal (using, e.g., a point source model) If it’s important, leave it out: is this feature required by the data? If desperate, try a model from a different configuration or a different band Experiment with tradeoffs on solution interval Average IFs Shorter intervals follow the atmosphere better Don’t be too afraid to accept low SNRs Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008

34 More Calibration Techniques
Water vapor radiometers 22 GHz (EVLA) and 180 GHz (ALMA) Ionospheric measurements (TEC) Dual-frequency observations – calibration transfer Use self-cal to transfer phase solutions from narrow-band to broad-band (strong-line, weak continuum) Baseline-based calibration (removal of closure errors) antenna delay errors, antenna IF bandpasses Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008

35 Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008
Finis Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008

36 Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008
Easy example 8.4GHz observations of Cygnus A VLA C configuration Deconvolved using AIPS++ multi-scale clean Calibration using AIPS++ calibrater tool Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008

37 Image without self-calibration
Phase calibration using nearby source observed every 20 minutes Peak ~ 22Jy Display shows Jy to 0.5Jy Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008

38 After 1 phase-only self-calibration
Phase solution every 10s Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008

39 After 1 amplitude and phase calibrations
Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008

40 After 2 amplitude and phase calibrations
Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008

41 After 3 amplitude and phase calibrations
Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008

42 After 4 amplitude and phase calibrations
Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008

43 Summary of Cygnus A example
~ Factor of three reduction in off source error levels Peak increases slightly as array phases up Off source noise is less structured Still not noise limited - we don’t know why Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008

44 Final image showing all emission > 3 sigma
Eleventh Synthesis Imaging Workshop, June 10-17, 2008

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