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Mental Factors Anxiety.

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Presentation on theme: "Mental Factors Anxiety."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mental Factors Anxiety

2 Anxiety Anxiety is seen as being a negative emotional state usually associated with feelings of apprehension and worry, caused by over arousal due to an athlete being stressed.

3 Causes of Anxiety Internal Illness/ Injury
Worrying about something relating to your performance Worrying about something unrelated to your performance (school, exams, home) Lack of sleep being overly self-critical or being a perfectionist

4 Causes of Anxiety External Environment – Too noisy, too quiet.
Negative social interaction with other people- falling out with a team mate or opponent Major life events- death in the family or a problem out with your control Day to day hassle- travel, training schedule, finance

5 Levels of Anxiety A performers arousal level is key to how anxious they may get during performance. If their arousal level is too high they start to suffer from stress and feelings of anxiety. The graph in the following slide highlight this

6 Levels of Anxiety


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