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14th meeting of GHG Inventory Lead Reviewers

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1 Training activities for GHG inventory review experts under the Convention and the Kyoto Protocol
14th meeting of GHG Inventory Lead Reviewers Bonn, Germany, 8–9 March 2017 Kyoko Miwa | UNFCCC Secretariat | Mitigation, Data and Analysis Programme Training and Certification Unit

2 Activities in 2016 – Basic course (14/CP.20)
One instructed on-line course + Training Seminar (in Bonn, April 2016) 30 experts participated. 12 experts passed the “sectoral” exams, also passed “Overview”. 6 experts passed “Overview” only. Non-instructed course For new experts, who have technical background. Requirement to be a reviewer: pass “Overview” + one of the “sectoral” course written exams, in person. In 2016, 20 new experts in total passed the Basic course Basic course for new experts Instructed participants Both exams Passed Pass rate in % Only Overview passed AI NAI Seminar in Bonn 11 19 7 5 63.4% 26.3 % 1 Non-instructed New experts 8 42% NO 3

3 Activities in 2016 – Basic courses (14/CP.20)
Findings from exam results of new experts in the non-instructed courses Participation organised by the national inventory team – good in exams. Clear difference in their answers to the exam questions between: Highly encourage to ensure participants study the course and take both exams, Overview and sectoral Expert studied on-line course Demonstrate solid understanding of the issues, both cross-cutting and sectoral Expert didn’t spend much time for the on-line courses Answered based on their knowledge acquired learning by doing. Misunderstanding, in particular for cross-cutting issues, Knowledge of the good practice requirements in the sector is not balanced. VS 3

4 Activities in 2016 – Basic courses (14/CP.20)
Non-instructed course for experienced experts 356 reviewers and LRs invited in 288 registered courses In total, 34 experts passed exams in non-instructed courses 7.3% of reviewers and LRs completed the new courses to date Exams offered for in person at LR13, SB44, SB 45, reviews, and other opportunities.

5 Activities in 2016 – Basic courses
Focus on the experience gained from the reviews during the 2015 review cycle Participated 55 experts. Centralized review experience: General perspective, presented by Olia and sectoral perspective by Anna (LRs). Desk review experience presented by Riitta (LR). Refresher seminar - 29 February, back to back LR 13 meeting

6 Activities in 2016: Update of KP courses (5/CMP.11)
Launched on 11 July, in time for the 1st cycle of the review under KP CP2 Drafted by 4 experienced experts including LRs, supported by ROs. All KP courses were updated reflecting changes arising from relevant CMP decisions for the review processes for the KP CP2: 2/CMP.7, 3/CMP.7, 4/CMP.7, 1/CMP.8, 6/CMP.9, 2/CMP.11, 3/CMP.11, 4/CMP.11, to reflect: KP-LULUCF accounting rules for CP2, FMRL, HWP, etc.; requirement for AI Parties without quantified emission limitation and reduction commitment; updates for adjustments process; updated guidance on national systems, assigned amounts and national registries More control for implementation More work for the technical assistance by the secretariat More frequent minor revisions may be possible Website and course pages were developed and being hosted in- house. Implemented through the secretariat’s Learning Management System (LMS) 6

7 Activities in 2016: Update of KP courses (5/CMP.11)
Two cycles: non-instructed and instructed - for article 3.3 and 3.4 course 11 July – 14 August 2016, and exams on August 2016, 6 – 15 September 2016, and exams on September. New experts who passed for KP review: 12 (10 more are waiting for the exams) 327 experts were invited Total courses registered: 359 89 experts registered to one or more courses 66 experts took exam (around 20% of invited experts) 63 experts passed at least one exam Experienced experts are strongly recommended to study the course Guidance such as step by step guidance for the adjustment is very helpful to ensure a consistent review approach amongst the ERTs Updated KP courses Overview

8 Findings from the implementation of the courses in 2016
Activities in 2016: Update of KP courses (5/CMP.11) Findings from the implementation of the courses in 2016 Registered Took exams Passed % of pass Passed – Av score Failed – Av score National Systems 73 52 46 88.5% 91.4 53.3 Adjustment non-LULUCF 43 34 30 88.2% 79.7 48.3 Adjustment LULUCF&LR 29 17 14 82.4% 76.5 59.7 Assigned Amount 104 82.7% 80 56.2 National Registry 56 28 16 57.1% 73.75 49.8 Art. 3.3 & 3.4 activities 54 27 20 74.1% 75.05 46.3 Pass rates and average scores of experienced experts are high. During the review, many experts referred the guidance in the training courses Take the opportunity to update your knowledge!! Less than 20% reviewers passed the courses Almost all experts registered 4 or 5 courses, but many overdue. Plan your study!! 8

9 Activities in 2016: Update of KP courses (5/CMP.11)
Mandatory requirements for the experienced reviewers Expert Courses Reviewers New expert New LR LULUCF expert New reviewer to the subject Non-LULUCF expert Generalist National systems Ο Application of adjustments Accounting of assigned amounts National registries and assigned amounts Articles 3.3 and 3.4 review Be aware the mandatory requirements of new LRs and LULUCF reviewers!! Mandatory requirement of experienced reviewers needs to be fulfilled 20 experts passed Art. 3.3&3.4, so far.

10 Related activities in 2016 Training programme for members of team of technical experts to participate in the technical analysis of BURs 2 rounds in (2 rounds are planned in 2017) Implementation of CGE TTE training programme Substantial/technical support for the development of the new ROE platform ROE: web-based interface that experts can directly log-in. Support to implement new Roster of Experts (ROE) Experts’ self-nomination NFPs’ approval Experts’ self-updating data NFPs’ approval (when needed) 10

11 Planned activities in 2017 1st round for new experts: focusing on African region On-line training (instructed): 6 February – 20 March, 35 experts Training seminar: March in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe – 32 experts. 2nd round for new experts (2nd half of 2017, Bonn) depending on the availability of resources Non-instructed for experienced review experts: 1st Round: February-March, to have exams back to back with LR14 Exams are in person: LRs meeting, SBs, COP23, and other opportunities Higher tier methods and improving communication courses: upon request, around the year. Basic course for inventory reviews under the Convention 1st round on-line course and exams: 1st half of 2017 Updated Kyoto Protocol courses Experiences from desk reviews and in-country reviews Operationalizing reviews: drafting findings and recommendations, RITS and review reports Reviewing KP–LULUCF in the second commitment period Refresher Seminar on 8 March 11

12 Suggested elements for conclusions
Presentation title Suggested elements for conclusions Note the timely launch of revised KP courses; Acknowledge positive feedback to the training programmes and materials from the Parties and experts; Note the need for more time and experience to consider the effectiveness of the training materials for further enhancement and development of training materials; Reiterate strong encouragement /recommend that experienced review experts and LRs undertake the relevant courses and examinations of the GHG inventory review training programme and the KP training courses; Nominating new experts to the RoE and updating the information of experts is very important. Note the limited human and financial resources in the secretariat for undertaking further enhancements.

13 Thank you very much.

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