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Transport Across Membranes

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1 Transport Across Membranes
Image from: 2.4

2 Importance of Transport
intake of nutrients removal of wastes communication with environment & other cells blocking entry of harmful substances Cell membrane is selectively permeable.

3 Passive Transport the movement of materials across the cell membrane without the use of chemical energy (ATP) movement is due to diffusion

4 Diffusion the net movement of a substance from an area of higher to an area of lower concentration until a state of dynamic equilibrium Image from:

5 Simple Diffusion substances move unassisted
small non-polar molecules, small uncharged polar molecules larger molecules & ions need assistance Image from: small non-polar molecules (O2, CO2, steroid hormones, some drugs) and small polar molecules (H2O, glycerol)

6 Facilitated Diffusion
diffusion across membrane assisted by integral membrane proteins called transport proteins channel proteins form hydrophilic pathways for water & ions; ion channels are usually voltage-gated carrier proteins usually have specificity

7 Facililated Diffusion
Image from:

8 Carrier Proteins Image from:

9 Osmosis the diffusion of water across a membrane
water follows concentration gradient until equilibrium

10 Osmosis direction of osmosis changes depending on type of solution surrounding the cell: isotonic solution hypotonic solution hypertonic solution

11 Cell in Isotonic Solution
The Plasma Membrane 11/24/2018 Cell in Isotonic Solution 10% NaCL 90% H2O ENVIRONMENT CELL NO NET MOVEMENT 10% NaCL 90% H2O What is the direction of water movement? equilibrium The cell is at _______________. 11 G. Podgorski, Biol. 1010 11

12 Cell in Hypotonic Solution
The Plasma Membrane 11/24/2018 Cell in Hypotonic Solution 10% NaCL 90% H2O CELL 20% NaCL 80% H2O What is the direction of water movement? 12 G. Podgorski, Biol. 1010 12

13 Cell in Hypertonic Solution
The Plasma Membrane 11/24/2018 Cell in Hypertonic Solution 15% NaCL 85% H2O ENVIRONMENT CELL 5% NaCL 95% H2O What is the direction of water movement? 13 G. Podgorski, Biol. 1010 13

14 Animal Cells Prefer Isotonic Environments
Image from:

15 Red Blood Cells Image from:

16 Plant Cells Prefer Hypotonic Environments

17 Active Transport Image from:

18 Active Transport the movement of materials against the concentration gradient (from low to high concentrations) requires cellular energy (ATP)

19 Primary Active Transport
pumps move positively charged ions (H+, Ca2+, Na+, K+) across membranes creates electrochemical gradient Image from:

20 Secondary Active Transport
uses gradient established by a primary active transport pump Image from:

21 Bulk Transport movement of larger substances across a cellular membrane requires energy (ATP) exocytosis & endocytosis

22 Endocytosis Image from:

23 Exocytosis Neurotransmitters
Image from: Neurotransmitters

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