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Writing 6+ 1 a unified approach to the teaching of writing

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1 Writing 6+ 1 a unified approach to the teaching of writing

2 What is Writing 6 + 1? The 6+1 Trait Writing Model of Instruction & Assessment provides a common language for teachers and students to communicate about the characteristics of writing and establishes a clear vision of what good writing looks like.

3 What are the benefits of 6+1?
A shared vision and common words to define the traits of good writing A common language to assess writing and provide quality feedback to students and make students active self-evaluators Excellent fit with Common Core Shifts A proven track record of success over 20 years

4 Why is it called Writing 6+1?
Six Traits identify the qualities of good writing: IDEAS: the main message ORGANIZATION: the internal structure of the piece VOICE: the personal tone and flavor of the author WORD CHOICE: the vocabulary the author chooses SENTENCE FLUENCY: the rhythm and flow in the text CONVENTIONS: mechanical correctness + 1: PRESENTATION: overall appearance of the piece

5 Trait 1: IDEAS … the content of the piece
… the meaning and development of the message through specific details … ideas are strong when the message is clear! 6+1 Teachers Say: “the important thing about Ideas is the details. Ideas narrow the topic and make the piece original. They bring the message to life. They share knowledge or experience on the topic… but the most important thing about Ideas is the details!”

6 Trait 2: ORGANIZATION … the internal structure of the piece … the thread of meaning … the logical pattern of ideas … can be built using many structures: comparison/contrast, analysis, development of a central theme, chronology … connections or bridges between ideas are strong … 6+1 Teachers Say: “the important thing about Organization is that you’d get lost without it! It is a combination of time, space, sequence and ideas flowing together to achieve a goal.”

7 Trait 3: VOICE ... the heart and soul of the piece … the magic, the wit, the life and breath … the writer’s feelings and convictions come out through the words when he or she is engaged with the topic… voice is what makes a writer’s work his or hers alone. 6+1 Teachers Say: “Voice paints a picture of the writer. Heart and soul on paper… you can’t see the writer but you know he or she is there!”

8 Trait 4: WORD CHOICE … the use of rich, colorful, precise language that communicates in a way that moves and enlightens the reader. Depending on the mode (descriptive, informative, persuasive) it can result in powerful imagery, a strong vision of ideas and enriched content. It’s not so much about exceptional vocabulary to impress, but rather the ability to use language precisely and well… 6+1 Teachers Say: “Words are the idea spinners, the precision strikers, the lure … but the important thing is that they convey the intended message.”

… sentence fluency is the rhythm and flow of the language. Fluent language has cadence and power. It is free of awkward patterns that slow the reader’s progress… sentences vary in length, beginnings, structure and style and are well crafted so that the reader can move through the piece with ease… 6+1 Teachers Say: “The important thing is that it makes the writing flow … not choppy, awkward or unnatural.”

10 Trait 6: CONVENTIONS … mechanical correctness that includes five elements: spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar/usage and paragraphing. The essential question: “How much work would a copy editor need to do to prepare the piece for publication?” Grade level considerations are more in play in Trait 6 than in the others. 6+1 Teachers Say: “Conventions are like signposts that signal your thinking and guides the way a piece should sound. The signposts map effective communication.”

11 + 1: PRESENTATION … such things as handwriting, neatness, layout, format are not part of Conventions. They belong here in Presentation. This ‘seventh trait’ is all about editing rather than revision. 6+1 Teachers Say: “The most important thing about Presentation is that the paper looks good, like the writer took pride in the work. The margins, fonts, illustrations, charts all make the message of the piece clear.”

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