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Register & Style SREEJA TIRKEY.

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Presentation on theme: "Register & Style SREEJA TIRKEY."— Presentation transcript:

1 Register & Style SREEJA TIRKEY

2 Register The words the writer uses for a particular occupation.
Technical terms used in each profession or field. Eg: classroom, homework, detention etc related to school. Diagnosis, observation, cardiac arrest etc in medical field.

3 Style Includes the following Word choice: author’s choice of words
Syntax: the way words are arranged to form sentences. Syntax encompasses word order, sentence length, sentence focus, and punctuation.

4 Five Main Language Styles (register)
The ultra-formal style : a very formal way of addressing an audience. Uses archaic language (Thou, Hath, Thee, etc.) Longer sentences with complex ideas.

5 The Formal Style Difficult words (abstract nouns)
Eg. Liberty, hegemony, sanctification, etc. Complex sentences with clauses Eg. “He had been prepared to lie, to bluster, to remain sullenly unresponsive; but, reassured by the good-humored intelligence of the Controller’s face, he decided to tell the truth, straightforwardly.” Aldous Huxley, Brave New World.

6 The Modified Formal Style
A greater number of plain English words Active voice used rather than passive: Active: The girl walked the dog. Passive: The dog was walked by the girl. The use of abbreviated verb forms Wouldn’t, can’t, shouldn’t

7 The Colloquial Style Everyday English- words you would use when talking to your friends/family. Filler words used: Eg. Like, know what I mean, o.k., etc. Shorter more assertive sentences: This is crazy!

8 The ultra-colloquial style
VERY CASUAL Speaking style (easy words): Eg: Yo, How’s it goin’? Omits main verbs: Whatcha gonna do? He [would] like to go but he can’t. Omits little function words (a, of, to):

9 Style also includes : Stylistic devices: hyperbole, imagery, irony, etc. Phonology: alliteration, assonance Graphology: presentational devices: bullets, block capitals for headlines, etc.

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