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2 Defination PROTEOMICS:- comprehensive analysis of the identify ; interactions and location of proteins with in the cell. GENOMICS:- comprehensive analysis of the complete genome sequences from different organism; used to assess evolutionary relations among species and to product the number and general types of proteins produced by an organism.

3 Types of proteomics and their application to biology

4 Proteomics - the challenge
The proteome : - dynamic - highly complex - relative protein abundances in a cell can differ from 105 up to about 1010 Proteomics aims to analyze the levels and structure of all proteins present in a cell or a tissue including their post-translational modifications Proteomics approaches include: 1) protein identification 2) protein quantitation or differential analysis 3) protein-protein interactions 4) post-translational modifications 5) structural proteomics

5 Proteomics - the classical definition
Two – dimensional gel electrophoresis 2D-PAGE of all lysate Mass spectrometry + generates global patterns of protein expression  annotation  large-scale visualization of differential protein expression Peptide mass fingerprinting for protein identification - High resolution 2D-PAGE first developed in 1975 (O’Farrell and Klose) - Combination with biological mass spectrometry (1990s) - Availability of genome sequences in databases  central role in proteomic studies

6 First dimension: Isoelectrofocusing (IEF)
strip containing a pH gradient immobilized on a gel matrix (Garfin et al. 2000)

7 9.5 7.5 9.5 7.5 7.5 9.5 pI 4.5 pI 4.5 pI 4.5 7.5 7.5 9.5 9.5 Position of proteins before IEF 7.5 9.5 7.5 7.5 9.5 pI 4.5 pI 3.5 7.5 9.5 7.5 pI 3.5 9.5 9.5 Position of proteins after IEF

8 Second dimension: SDS-PAGE
Proteins enter SDS-Polyacrylamide gel and are dissolved according to their molecular mass Postelectrophoretic staining of the proteins with: Coomassie, Silver, Fluorescent stains (SYPRO Ruby) MW

9 2D-PAGE based expression proteomics
Protein expression profiling: ~ 1000 proteins routinely detectable in a 2D-gel  global changes in the proteome readily detectable posttranscriptional control mechanisms can influence protein expression posttranslational modifications of a protein such as phosphorylation, glycosylation, processing of signal sequences or degradation can be visualized pI MW SYPRO Ruby stained gel

10 Protein identification by peptide mass fingerprinting
from Graves and Haystead, 2002 The unknown protein is excised from a gel and converted to peptides by the action of a specific protease. The mass of the peptides produced is then measured in a mass spectrometer. (B) The mass spectrum of the unknown protein is searched against theoretical mass spectra produced by computer-generated cleavage of proteins in the database.

11 Generation of protein expression reference maps
Link protein information with DNA sequence information from the genome projects, comprehensive 2D-gel databases constructed for different cell types

12 2D-PAGE based differential expression proteomics
2D-gel electrophoresis combined with mass spectrometry to get qualitative and quantitative protein behavioural data Most frequently used method in proteome analysis from: Pandey and Mann, 2000

13 Workflow of differential expression proteomics
Sample preparation Isoelectrofocusing (1.dimension) Equilibration incl. reduction, alkylation SDS-PAGE (2. dimension) Staining Imaging Spot detection and matching Normalization and quantification Analysis Cutting of selected spots Trypsin digestion in-gel Identification with mass spectroscopy Database comparison Steps to be practised during the workshop

14 Difference in-gel 2D-PAGE system (DIGE)
Proteins are labeled prior to running the first dimension with up to three different fluorescent cyanide dyes (Unlu et al.1997) Allows use of an internal standard in each gel which reduces gel-to-gel variation, reduces the number of gels to be run Adds 500 Da to the protein labelled Additional postelectrophoretic staining needed from Kolkman et al. 2005

15 Limitations and challenges of gel-based approaches
Dynamic range detectable on 2D-gels: 104, protein expression levels of a cell can vary between 105 (yeast) and even 1010(humans) enrichment or prefractionation strategies needed to reach less abundant proteins Resolution of 2D-gels has its limits use narrow pH range gels and combine Protein extraction and solubility during IEF can be a problem for poorly water-soluble proteins e.g. membrane proteins or nuclear proteins Challenges for further development in gel-based proteomics: improve sample preparation to be able to analyze extreme proteins (extremely basic or acidic, small or big, hydrophobic), sensitivity, dynamic range, automation

16 2D-gel based proteomics: the state-of-the-art versus the challenge
Proteome coverage Copies/cell - 106 - 20% - 105 - 40% - 104 - 60% - 103 - 80% - 102 - 101 - 100%

17 Other proteomic approaches
Liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry - Shotgun multidimensional protein identification technology MudPIT - ICAT: isotope coded affinity tags (Gygi et al. 1999), cysteine biased Peptide and protein arrays Yeast two-hybrid system Phage display

18 ICAT for measuring differential protein expression
ICAT consists of a biotin affinity group, a linker region that can incorporate heavy (deuterium) or light (hydrogen) atoms, and a thiol-reactive end group for linkage to cysteines. Proteins are labeled on cysteine residues with either the light or heavy form of the ICAT reagent. Protein samples are mixed and digested with a protease. Peptides labeled with the ICAT reagent can be purified using avidin chromatography. ICAT-labeled peptides can be analyzed by MS to quantitate the peak ratios and proteins can be identified by sequencing the peptides with MS/MS.

19 2D-PAGE in functional proteomics
Identify specific proteins in a cell that undergo changes in abundance, localization, or modification in response to a specific biological condition Often combined with complementary techniques (protein biochemistry, molecular biology and cell physiology) If: - Monitoring quantitative changes in the biological process of interest - Quantitatively looking at protein modifications Then: 2D-gel based proteomics is the method of choice

20 Zebrafish samples used for 2D-GE Experiment
Phenotypic differences between untreated and treated zebrafish embryos Treatment startet at high oblong stage of development Samples taken from 70-90% epiboly stage

21 Workflow of Differential Expression Proteomics
Sample preparation Isoelectrofocusing (1.dimension) Equilibration incl. reduction, alkylation SDS-PAGE (2. dimension) Staining Imaging Spot detection and matching Normalization and quantification Analysis Cutting of selected spots Trypsin digestion Identification with mass spectroscopy Database comparison

22 2D-gel analysis software practical
-Introduction into the PDQuest software package -Demonstration of an comparative analysis of gels from two different sample types (wildtype, mutant) -Practising PDQuest analysis of the gels run during the workshop -Compare: a)control embryos vs. ethanol treated embryos b)control embryos vs. selenium treated embryos High performance analysis of 2D-gels

23 Genomics Genomics Study of an organism's entire genome. The field includes intensive efforts to determine the entire DNA sequence of organisms and fine-scale genetic mapping efforts. Proteomics The study and Systematic analysis of protein expression of normal and diseased tissues that involves the separation, identification and characterization of all of the proteins in an organism

24 DNA contains the instructions needed for a living organisms grow and function.
DNA contains the instructions needed for a living organisms grow and function. It tells cells exactly what role they should play in the body. It holds instructions to make your: Heart cells beat. Limbs form in the correct place. Immune system fight infection. Digestive system digest your dinner.

25 Functional Genomics : Functional Genomics Ambitious high-throughput approach to understanding the genome Highly automated Studies how genes and other sequences of DNA act in relation to the entire organism

26 Comparative Genomics :
Comparative Genomics Analyzing DNA sequence patterns of different organisms side by side to identify genes and determine functions Looking for similar genes in different species to determine possible relationships and genomic variations

27 STRUCTURAL GENOMICS STRUCTURAL GENOMICS Sequence organization. Assigning loci to specific chromosomes. High-resolution chromosome maps. Physical mapping of genomes. Genome sequencing. Using genome maps in genetic analysis.



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