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SDS Inc Who are we?? Corporate Professional expertly trained in process implementation. Automotive strategist who excelled in their respective dealership.

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2 SDS Inc Who are we?? Corporate Professional expertly trained in process implementation. Automotive strategist who excelled in their respective dealership role. Highly trained Consultant with automotive management experience. Consultant and trainer who is highly skilled in conflict resolution, staff accountability, and is results driven. Process driven training with an extremely high success ratio.

3 How are we different? Highly specialized and results oriented.
Trainers Highly specialized and results oriented. Over achiever with a proven training platform that produces immediate and dramatic results. Training Platform 4-8 weeks long. Onsite at the dealership Monday to Friday 9-5. Process and Implementation Driven. Fully customized to the dealership. No strings attached, just effective process implementation. Increases product penetrations with whatever supplier you are currently signed up with. Commitment Invested in the dealerships success. Provision of follow ups and consultation services like no other. No smoke and mirrors to artificially increase the dealership profits.

4 Why others don’t produce
1-2 Day Training Course No time to implement change Go back to the dealership with great information No plans of action See results for a few weeks Resistance Go back to what they know No motivation No results! Waste of time All training provides great information, it’s the implementation of the training that almost always fails!!!

5 Process Implementation
SDS Training 4-8 Weeks of Training 21 days to change a habit Process Implementation One on one training Accountability Repeat Critique Perfect Results Average of 700% ROI

6 Determining the Training Schedule
100 or less Total Vehicles Sold= 4-6 weeks Total Vehicles Sold= 8 weeks 200 + Total Vehicles sold= 12 weeks This is due to the amount of staff we need to train on a one on one basis and the time needed to make the change with each staff member.

7 Training Schedule Week #1
Evaluation of the dealership Interview key staff members Assess and Analyze the information Recommendations meeting with GM Approval and Plan

8 Weeks #2-#4 Laminate preparation Menu Software setup
Product presentations and signups Parts, service and detail department preparation Prepare the controller for new products One on one training with all sales staff One on one training with all management staff

9 Week #5 and #6 Launch with Menu Selling Repeat, critique and perfect
Accountability with turnovers Critique the selling process Train on objection handling Repeat, critique and perfect

10 Weeks #7-10 or #7-12 Role play on a daily basis
Setup and organize business office Deliveries done in the business office All staff held accountable Repeat, repeat, repeat

11 Achievable Results

12 What’s the catch? (Dealership commitment)
100% buy-in and full support of the owner and general manager 100% buy-in and full support of all other management staff Responsible to hold your staff accountable during and after the training is complete Need to be involved in all aspects of the program Need to have a strong desire to implement change for dramatic results

13 Additional Income Calculation

14 Thank you from

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