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Williams College: Laszlow Versenyi Collection of Romanian Parish Churches Laszlow Versenyi joined the Williams College faculty in.

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12 Williams College: Laszlow Versenyi Collection of Romanian Parish Churches
Laszlow Versenyi joined the Williams College faculty in 1958 and was the Mark Hopkins Professor of Philosophy from 1983 until his death in The photographs were taken during East European travel during the years After an absence of 40 years, he visited Baja, the small town of his childhood and many other villages and towns. The churches are mostly Calvinist Reformed Churches, many resting on Roman foundations, with Medieval, Romanesque, Gothic and Renaissance restorations. Many are fortified, with separate bell towers and cemeteries. Known for their folk-patterned hangings, coffered wooden ceilings with panel painting, and pulpits with pulpit crowns. Some display Roman Catholic frescoes uncovered during restoration. Image: 15th c. Fortified Calvinist Church in Zabala, Romania (Zabola, Hungary)

13 Williams College: Furtwangler
Griechische Vasenmaleri High quality digital images of the plates (180) from Adolf Furtwangler and Karl Reichhold, Griechische Vasenmalerei, Serie I-III ( ), from the collection of the Williams College Archives and Special Collections. Image: Athenian Red-figure Cup, Penthesilea Painter ( bce): Amazonomachy: Herakles Slaying Penthesilea, Beazley Archive Vase #


15 Williams College: Lachenal et Favre Stereographic Glass lantern Slide Collection
Digital scans, both stereo and single view, from each of the stereographic glass lantern slides produced by the Lachenal and Favre Photographic Company, active France, Included are images of architecture, gardens, sculpture and cultural views of England, Brussels, France, Germany, Austria, Italy, Spain, Switzerland and Russia.




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