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Y12 History What do you know about the French Revolution and Napoleon

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Presentation on theme: "Y12 History What do you know about the French Revolution and Napoleon"— Presentation transcript:

1 Y12 History What do you know about the French Revolution and Napoleon
5 facts

2 Key players Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte King Louis XVI
Queen Marie Antoinette

3 Watch video –make a note of key events and people
French Revolution Watch video –make a note of key events and people

4 Course outline The Causes of the French Revolution 1774-1789
(Interpretation) The Revolution from October 1789-to the Directory, 1795 Napoleon Bonaparte Decline and fall of Napoleon

5 Assessment and exams 1 and half hr exam
1 essay 50 mins –worth 30 marks Choose 1 from 2 questions e.g Assess the importance of financial factors in bringing about revolution in France in 1789? I interpretation question 40 mins worth 20 marks (no choice) “Had the enlightenment put forward a real programme of political change? Probably not, but there is no denying that the Enlightenment encouraged probing criticism and led to calls for reform” -Francis Ford –Europe Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of this interpretation, making reference to other interpretations that you have studied

6 Research the following areas:
Ancien Regime French Society before the Revolution (The Three Estates) The Causes of the French Revolution - Political - Financial - Economic - Social - Ideological -Enlightenment 1789-The Meeting of the Estates General The Great Fear The Storming of the Bastille The Declaration of the Rights of Man 1793-The Terror- led by Maximilien Robespierre 1799- Napoleon takes over Investigate these key factors What happened during these events? What role did the key figures contribute to these events?

7 Holiday task 1)Create a time line of most important events of the French Revolution and the rule of Napoleaon 2)Write a biography of 2 of main participants in the Early years of the Revolution Louis XVI Marie Antoinette Anne-Robert-Jacques Turgot Jacques Necker Charles de Calonne The Philosophes –Diderot, Montesquieu, Voltaire and Rousseau, John Locke Robespierre Napoleon

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