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The Nature of Self P L Dhar iitd.

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Presentation on theme: "The Nature of Self P L Dhar iitd."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Nature of Self P L Dhar iitd

2 How does the notion of self arise?
By clinging to form , … to feeling, to perception, …. to volitional formations, …. to consciousness that ‘I am’ occurs Apart from the aggregates no distinct ‘being’ : no forest apart from the trees, no car apart from its component parts etc. Apparent continuity of identity: illusion created by memory ; gradual change in body doesn’t draw our attention

3 ‘Self’ and Modern Science
Professor David Loy : Self is a construct : psychological social Linguistic Understanding of ‘self-ing’ from recent researches in Neuro-biology : Continuity of background feelings gives rise to the perception of continuity of identity

4 The illusion of Personality : Body
Am I looking fine ? Fair & lovely ! I am tall / short I suffer from backache !

5 The illusion of Personality : Mind
Consciousness Perception Feelings Volitional formations

6 The illusion of Personality
“My” sense of ‘self’ is a precipitate of my habitual ways of feeling, thinking, and acting. Those impermanent processes interact with others and give rise to a sense of being a ‘self’ that is separate from others If we strip away theses psychological processes … what is left? ……………… no-thing

7 The illusion of Personality
A constructed self is not a real self Both a problem and the solution ! Problem …. An uncomfortable sense of unreality at our core , …… a perpetual sense of lack We usually try to make ourselves ‘real’ through various means , various reality symbols like wealth, power, fame Solution : not being a real self => the sense of self can be deconstructed Liberation from all suffering : no ‘self’ to defend !!

8 No I , No Problems

9 How to bring about this abandonment of clinging ?
Cultivation of Mindfulness of these aggregates clearly comprehending these characteristics of impermanence, suffering and non-self. Dis-enchantment Dispassion Abandoning craving & aversion Awakening from the Illusion of personality

10 A human being is part of the whole, called by us "Universe,"
a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest – a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole [of] nature in its beauty. ~ Albert Einstein

11 Let us spend some time practising this deconstruction of ‘self’ !

12 यायं तण्हा पोनोब्भविका नन्दिरागसहगता तत्रतत्राभिनन्दिनी, सेय्यथिदं – कामतण्हा, भवतण्हा, विभवतण्हा।

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